View Source wxFlexGridSizer (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxFlexGridSizer class

A flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table fields in one row having the same height and all fields in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not necessarily the same height or width as in the wxGridSizer.

Since wxWidgets 2.5.0, wxFlexGridSizer can also size items equally in one direction but unequally ("flexibly") in the other. If the sizer is only flexible in one direction (this can be changed using setFlexibleDirection/2), it needs to be decided how the sizer should grow in the other ("non-flexible") direction in order to fill the available space. The setNonFlexibleGrowMode/2 method serves this purpose.

See: wxSizer, Overview sizer

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxGridSizer wxSizer

wxWidgets docs: wxFlexGridSizer



Specifies that column idx (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer.

Specifies that row idx (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer.

Destroys the object.

Returns a ?wxOrientation value that specifies whether the sizer flexibly resizes its columns, rows, or both (default).

Returns the value that specifies how the sizer grows in the "non-flexible" direction if there is one.

Specifies that the idx column index is no longer growable.

Specifies that the idx row index is no longer growable.

Specifies whether the sizer should flexibly resize its columns, rows, or both.

Specifies how the sizer should grow in the non-flexible direction if there is one (so setFlexibleDirection/2 must have been called previously).


-type wxFlexGridSizer() :: wx:wx_object().


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addGrowableCol(This, Idx)

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-spec addGrowableCol(This, Idx) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Idx :: integer().
-spec addGrowableCol(This, Idx, [Option]) -> ok
                            This :: wxFlexGridSizer(),
                            Idx :: integer(),
                            Option :: {proportion, integer()}.

Specifies that column idx (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer.

The proportion parameter has the same meaning as the stretch factor for the sizers (see wxBoxSizer) except that if all proportions are 0, then all columns are resized equally (instead of not being resized at all).

Notice that the column must not be already growable, if you need to change the proportion you must call removeGrowableCol/2 first and then make it growable (with a different proportion) again. You can use IsColGrowable() (not implemented in wx) to check whether a column is already growable.

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addGrowableRow(This, Idx)

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-spec addGrowableRow(This, Idx) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Idx :: integer().
-spec addGrowableRow(This, Idx, [Option]) -> ok
                            This :: wxFlexGridSizer(),
                            Idx :: integer(),
                            Option :: {proportion, integer()}.

Specifies that row idx (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer.

This is identical to addGrowableCol/3 except that it works with rows and not columns.

-spec destroy(This :: wxFlexGridSizer()) -> ok.

Destroys the object.

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-spec getFlexibleDirection(This) -> integer() when This :: wxFlexGridSizer().

Returns a ?wxOrientation value that specifies whether the sizer flexibly resizes its columns, rows, or both (default).

Return: One of the following values:

See: setFlexibleDirection/2

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-spec getNonFlexibleGrowMode(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxFlexGridSizer().

Returns the value that specifies how the sizer grows in the "non-flexible" direction if there is one.

The behaviour of the elements in the flexible direction (i.e. both rows and columns by default, or rows only if getFlexibleDirection/1 is wxVERTICAL or columns only if it is wxHORIZONTAL) is always governed by their proportion as specified in the call to addGrowableRow/3 or addGrowableCol/3. What happens in the other direction depends on the value of returned by this function as described below.

Return: One of the following values:

See: setFlexibleDirection/2, setNonFlexibleGrowMode/2

-spec new(Cols) -> wxFlexGridSizer() when Cols :: integer().
-spec new(Cols, [Option]) -> wxFlexGridSizer()
             when Cols :: integer(), Option :: {gap, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}}.
-spec new(Cols, Vgap, Hgap) -> wxFlexGridSizer()
             when Cols :: integer(), Vgap :: integer(), Hgap :: integer();
         (Rows, Cols, Gap) -> wxFlexGridSizer()
             when Rows :: integer(), Cols :: integer(), Gap :: {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}.
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new(Rows, Cols, Vgap, Hgap)

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-spec new(Rows, Cols, Vgap, Hgap) -> wxFlexGridSizer()
             when Rows :: integer(), Cols :: integer(), Vgap :: integer(), Hgap :: integer().
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removeGrowableCol(This, Idx)

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-spec removeGrowableCol(This, Idx) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Idx :: integer().

Specifies that the idx column index is no longer growable.

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removeGrowableRow(This, Idx)

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-spec removeGrowableRow(This, Idx) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Idx :: integer().

Specifies that the idx row index is no longer growable.

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setFlexibleDirection(This, Direction)

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-spec setFlexibleDirection(This, Direction) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Direction :: integer().

Specifies whether the sizer should flexibly resize its columns, rows, or both.

Argument direction can be wxVERTICAL, wxHORIZONTAL or wxBOTH (which is the default value). Any other value is ignored.

See getFlexibleDirection/1 for the explanation of these values. Note that this method does not trigger relayout.

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setNonFlexibleGrowMode(This, Mode)

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-spec setNonFlexibleGrowMode(This, Mode) -> ok when This :: wxFlexGridSizer(), Mode :: wx:wx_enum().

Specifies how the sizer should grow in the non-flexible direction if there is one (so setFlexibleDirection/2 must have been called previously).

Argument mode can be one of those documented in getNonFlexibleGrowMode/1, please see there for their explanation. Note that this method does not trigger relayout.