View Source wxCheckListBox (wx v2.4.3)

A wxCheckListBox is like a wxListBox, but allows items to be checked or unchecked.

When using this class under Windows wxWidgets must be compiled with wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN set to 1.


This class is derived, and can use functions, from:

wxWidgets docs: wxCheckListBox


Event types emitted from this class:



Checks the given item.

Destroys the object

Returns true if the given item is checked, false otherwise.

Default constructor.

Constructor, creating and showing a list box.


-type wxCheckListBox() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec check(This, Item) -> ok when This :: wxCheckListBox(), Item :: integer().

Equivalent to check(This, Item, []).

-spec check(This, Item, [Option]) -> ok
               when This :: wxCheckListBox(), Item :: integer(), Option :: {check, boolean()}.

Checks the given item.

Note that calling this method does not result in a wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX event being emitted.

-spec destroy(This :: wxCheckListBox()) -> ok.

Destroys the object

-spec isChecked(This, Item) -> boolean() when This :: wxCheckListBox(), Item :: integer().

Returns true if the given item is checked, false otherwise.

-spec new() -> wxCheckListBox().

Default constructor.

-spec new(Parent, Id) -> wxCheckListBox() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id :: integer().

Equivalent to new(Parent, Id, []).

-spec new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxCheckListBox()
                 Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                 Id :: integer(),
                 Option ::
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {choices, [unicode:chardata()]} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {validator, wx:wx_object()}.

Constructor, creating and showing a list box.