View Source wxSashLayoutWindow (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxSashLayoutWindow class

wxSashLayoutWindow responds to OnCalculateLayout events generated by wxLayoutAlgorithm. It allows the application to use simple accessors to specify how the window should be laid out, rather than having to respond to events.

The fact that the class derives from wxSashWindow allows sashes to be used if required, to allow the windows to be user-resizable.

The documentation for wxLayoutAlgorithm explains the purpose of this class in more detail.

For the window styles see wxSashWindow.

This class handles the EVT_QUERY_LAYOUT_INFO and EVT_CALCULATE_LAYOUT events for you. However, if you use sashes, see wxSashWindow for relevant event information. See also wxLayoutAlgorithm for information about the layout events.

See: wxLayoutAlgorithm, wxSashWindow, Overview events

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxSashWindow wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxSashLayoutWindow



Initializes a sash layout window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window.

Destroys the object.

Returns the alignment of the window: one of wxLAYOUT_TOP, wxLAYOUT_LEFT, wxLAYOUT_RIGHT, wxLAYOUT_BOTTOM.

Returns the orientation of the window: one of wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, wxLAYOUT_VERTICAL.

Default ctor.

Constructs a sash layout window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window.

Sets the alignment of the window (which edge of the available parent client area the window is attached to).

Sets the default dimensions of the window.

Sets the orientation of the window (the direction the window will stretch in, to fill the available parent client area).


-type wxSashLayoutWindow() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec create(This, Parent) -> boolean() when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow(), Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec create(This, Parent, [Option]) -> boolean()
                    This :: wxSashLayoutWindow(),
                    Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                    Option ::
                        {id, integer()} |
                        {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                        {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                        {style, integer()}.

Initializes a sash layout window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window.

-spec destroy(This :: wxSashLayoutWindow()) -> ok.

Destroys the object.

-spec getAlignment(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow().

Returns the alignment of the window: one of wxLAYOUT_TOP, wxLAYOUT_LEFT, wxLAYOUT_RIGHT, wxLAYOUT_BOTTOM.

-spec getOrientation(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow().

Returns the orientation of the window: one of wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, wxLAYOUT_VERTICAL.

-spec new() -> wxSashLayoutWindow().

Default ctor.

-spec new(Parent) -> wxSashLayoutWindow() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec new(Parent, [Option]) -> wxSashLayoutWindow()
                 Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                 Option ::
                     {id, integer()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}.

Constructs a sash layout window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window.

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setAlignment(This, Alignment)

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-spec setAlignment(This, Alignment) -> ok when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow(), Alignment :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the alignment of the window (which edge of the available parent client area the window is attached to).


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setDefaultSize(This, Size)

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-spec setDefaultSize(This, Size) -> ok
                        when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow(), Size :: {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}.

Sets the default dimensions of the window.

The dimension other than the orientation will be fixed to this value, and the orientation dimension will be ignored and the window stretched to fit the available space.

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setOrientation(This, Orientation)

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-spec setOrientation(This, Orientation) -> ok
                        when This :: wxSashLayoutWindow(), Orientation :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the orientation of the window (the direction the window will stretch in, to fill the available parent client area).

orientation is one of wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, wxLAYOUT_VERTICAL.