wxTreeEvent (wx v2.4.3)
View SourceA tree event holds information about events associated with wxTreeCtrl
To process input from a tree control, use these event handler macros to direct input to
member functions that take a wxTreeEvent
See: wxTreeCtrl
This class is derived, and can use functions, from:
wxWidgets docs: wxTreeEvent
Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3
with wxTreeEventType
to subscribe to events of this type.
Returns the item (valid for all events).
Returns the key code if the event is a key event.
Returns the key event for EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN
Returns the label if the event is a begin or end edit label event.
Returns the old item index (valid for EVT\_TREE\_SEL\_CHANGING
Returns the position of the mouse pointer if the event is a drag or menu-context event.
Returns true if the label edit was cancelled.
Set the tooltip for the item (valid for EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_GETTOOLTIP
-type wxTree() :: #wxTree{type :: wxTreeEvent:wxTreeEventType(), item :: integer(), itemOld :: integer(), pointDrag :: {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}}.
-type wxTreeEvent() :: wx:wx_object().
-type wxTreeEventType() ::
command_tree_begin_drag | command_tree_begin_rdrag | command_tree_begin_label_edit |
command_tree_end_label_edit | command_tree_delete_item | command_tree_get_info |
command_tree_set_info | command_tree_item_expanded | command_tree_item_expanding |
command_tree_item_collapsed | command_tree_item_collapsing | command_tree_sel_changed |
command_tree_sel_changing | command_tree_key_down | command_tree_item_activated |
command_tree_item_right_click | command_tree_item_middle_click | command_tree_end_drag |
command_tree_state_image_click | command_tree_item_gettooltip | command_tree_item_menu |
dirctrl_selectionchanged | dirctrl_fileactivated.
-spec getItem(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the item (valid for all events).
-spec getKeyCode(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the key code if the event is a key event.
Use getKeyEvent/1
to get the values of the modifier keys for this event (i.e. Shift or Ctrl).
-spec getKeyEvent(This) -> wxKeyEvent:wxKeyEvent() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the key event for EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN
-spec getLabel(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the label if the event is a begin or end edit label event.
-spec getOldItem(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the old item index (valid for EVT\_TREE\_SEL\_CHANGING
-spec getPoint(This) -> {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()} when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns the position of the mouse pointer if the event is a drag or menu-context event.
In both cases the position is in client coordinates - i.e. relative to the wxTreeCtrl
window (so that you can pass it directly to e.g. wxWindow:popupMenu/4
-spec isEditCancelled(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTreeEvent().
Returns true if the label edit was cancelled.
This should be called from within an EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT
-spec setToolTip(This, Tooltip) -> ok when This :: wxTreeEvent(), Tooltip :: unicode:chardata().
Set the tooltip for the item (valid for EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_GETTOOLTIP
Windows only.