wxTextAttr (wx v2.4.3)

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wxTextAttr represents the character and paragraph attributes, or style, for a range of text in a wxTextCtrl or wxRichTextCtrl (not implemented in wx).

When setting up a wxTextAttr object, pass a bitlist mask to setFlags/2 to indicate which style elements should be changed. As a convenience, when you call a setter such as SetFont, the relevant bit will be set.

See: wxTextCtrl

wxWidgets docs: wxTextAttr



Destroys the object

Returns the alignment flags.

Returns the background colour.

Returns flags indicating which attributes are applicable.

Creates and returns a font specified by the font attributes in the wxTextAttr object.

Returns the font encoding.

Returns the font face name.

Returns the font size in points.

Returns the font style.

Returns true if the font is underlined.

Returns the font weight.

Returns the left indent in tenths of a millimetre.

Returns the left sub-indent in tenths of a millimetre.

Returns the right indent in tenths of a millimeter.

Returns an array of tab stops, each expressed in tenths of a millimeter.

Returns the text foreground colour.

Returns true if the attribute object specifies a background colour.

Returns true if the attribute object specifies any font attributes.

Returns true if the attribute object specifies a text foreground colour.

Returns false if we have any attributes set, true otherwise.


Sets the paragraph alignment.

Sets the background colour.

Sets the flags determining which styles are being specified.

Sets the attributes for the given font.

Sets the font encoding.

Sets the font face name.

Sets the font family.

Sets the font size in pixels.

Sets the font size in points.

Sets the font size in points.

Sets the font style (normal, italic or slanted).

Sets the font underlining (solid line, text colour).

Sets the font weight.

Sets the left indent and left subindent in tenths of a millimetre.

Sets the right indent in tenths of a millimetre.

Sets the tab stops, expressed in tenths of a millimetre.

Sets the text foreground colour.



-type wxTextAttr() :: wx:wx_object().



-spec destroy(This :: wxTextAttr()) -> ok.

Destroys the object


-spec getAlignment(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the alignment flags.

See ?wxTextAttrAlignment for a list of available styles.


-spec getBackgroundColour(This) -> wx:wx_colour4() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the background colour.


-spec getFlags(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns flags indicating which attributes are applicable.

See setFlags/2 for a list of available flags.


-spec getFont(This) -> wxFont:wxFont() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Creates and returns a font specified by the font attributes in the wxTextAttr object.

Note that wxTextAttr does not store a wxFont object, so this is only a temporary font.

For greater efficiency, access the font attributes directly.


-spec getFontEncoding(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the font encoding.


-spec getFontFaceName(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the font face name.


-spec getFontSize(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the font size in points.


-spec getFontStyle(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the font style.


-spec getFontUnderlined(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns true if the font is underlined.


-spec getFontWeight(This) -> wx:wx_enum() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the font weight.


-spec getLeftIndent(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the left indent in tenths of a millimetre.


-spec getLeftSubIndent(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the left sub-indent in tenths of a millimetre.


-spec getRightIndent(This) -> integer() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the right indent in tenths of a millimeter.


-spec getTabs(This) -> [integer()] when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns an array of tab stops, each expressed in tenths of a millimeter.

Each stop is measured from the left margin and therefore each value must be larger than the last.


-spec getTextColour(This) -> wx:wx_colour4() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns the text foreground colour.


-spec hasBackgroundColour(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns true if the attribute object specifies a background colour.


-spec hasFont(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns true if the attribute object specifies any font attributes.


-spec hasTextColour(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns true if the attribute object specifies a text foreground colour.


-spec isDefault(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxTextAttr().

Returns false if we have any attributes set, true otherwise.


-spec new() -> wxTextAttr().



-spec new(ColText) -> wxTextAttr() when ColText :: wx:wx_colour();
         (Attr) -> wxTextAttr() when Attr :: wxTextAttr().

new(ColText, Options)

-spec new(ColText, [Option]) -> wxTextAttr()
                 ColText :: wx:wx_colour(),
                 Option ::
                     {colBack, wx:wx_colour()} | {font, wxFont:wxFont()} | {alignment, wx:wx_enum()}.

setAlignment(This, Alignment)

-spec setAlignment(This, Alignment) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Alignment :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the paragraph alignment.

See ?wxTextAttrAlignment enumeration values.

Of these, wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFIED is unimplemented. In future justification may be supported when printing or previewing, only.

setBackgroundColour(This, ColBack)

-spec setBackgroundColour(This, ColBack) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), ColBack :: wx:wx_colour().

Sets the background colour.

setFlags(This, Flags)

-spec setFlags(This, Flags) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Flags :: integer().

Sets the flags determining which styles are being specified.

The ?wxTextAttrFlags values can be passed in a bitlist.

setFont(This, Font)

-spec setFont(This, Font) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont().

Equivalent to setFont(This, Font, []).


-spec setFont(This, Font, [Option]) -> ok
                 when This :: wxTextAttr(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont(), Option :: {flags, integer()}.

Sets the attributes for the given font.

Note that wxTextAttr does not store an actual wxFont object.

setFontEncoding(This, Encoding)

-spec setFontEncoding(This, Encoding) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Encoding :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the font encoding.

setFontFaceName(This, FaceName)

-spec setFontFaceName(This, FaceName) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), FaceName :: unicode:chardata().

Sets the font face name.

setFontFamily(This, Family)

-spec setFontFamily(This, Family) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Family :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the font family.

setFontPixelSize(This, PixelSize)

-spec setFontPixelSize(This, PixelSize) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), PixelSize :: integer().

Sets the font size in pixels.

setFontPointSize(This, PointSize)

-spec setFontPointSize(This, PointSize) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), PointSize :: integer().

Sets the font size in points.

setFontSize(This, PointSize)

-spec setFontSize(This, PointSize) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), PointSize :: integer().

Sets the font size in points.

setFontStyle(This, FontStyle)

-spec setFontStyle(This, FontStyle) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), FontStyle :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the font style (normal, italic or slanted).

setFontUnderlined(This, Underlined)

-spec setFontUnderlined(This, Underlined) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Underlined :: boolean().

Sets the font underlining (solid line, text colour).

setFontWeight(This, FontWeight)

-spec setFontWeight(This, FontWeight) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), FontWeight :: wx:wx_enum().

Sets the font weight.

setLeftIndent(This, Indent)

-spec setLeftIndent(This, Indent) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Indent :: integer().

Equivalent to setLeftIndent(This, Indent, []).


-spec setLeftIndent(This, Indent, [Option]) -> ok
                       when This :: wxTextAttr(), Indent :: integer(), Option :: {subIndent, integer()}.

Sets the left indent and left subindent in tenths of a millimetre.

The sub-indent is an offset from the left of the paragraph, and is used for all but the first line in a paragraph.

A positive value will cause the first line to appear to the left of the subsequent lines, and a negative value will cause the first line to be indented relative to the subsequent lines.

wxRichTextBuffer (not implemented in wx) uses indentation to render a bulleted item. The left indent is the distance between the margin and the bullet. The content of the paragraph, including the first line, starts at leftMargin + leftSubIndent. So the distance between the left edge of the bullet and the left of the actual paragraph is leftSubIndent.

setRightIndent(This, Indent)

-spec setRightIndent(This, Indent) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Indent :: integer().

Sets the right indent in tenths of a millimetre.

setTabs(This, Tabs)

-spec setTabs(This, Tabs) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), Tabs :: [integer()].

Sets the tab stops, expressed in tenths of a millimetre.

Each stop is measured from the left margin and therefore each value must be larger than the last.

setTextColour(This, ColText)

-spec setTextColour(This, ColText) -> ok when This :: wxTextAttr(), ColText :: wx:wx_colour().

Sets the text foreground colour.