View Source wxPrintDialog (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxPrintDialog class

This class represents the print and print setup common dialogs. You may obtain a wxPrinterDC (not implemented in wx) device context from a successfully dismissed print dialog.

See: Overview printing, Overview cmndlg

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxDialog wxTopLevelWindow wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxPrintDialog




Returns the device context created by the print dialog, if any.

Returns the print dialog data associated with the print dialog.


-type wxPrintDialog() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec destroy(This :: wxPrintDialog()) -> ok.


If getPrintDC/1 has not been called, the device context obtained by the dialog (if any) will be deleted.

-spec getPrintDC(This) -> wxDC:wxDC() when This :: wxPrintDialog().

Returns the device context created by the print dialog, if any.

When this function has been called, the ownership of the device context is transferred to the application, so it must then be deleted explicitly.

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-spec getPrintDialogData(This) -> wxPrintDialogData:wxPrintDialogData() when This :: wxPrintDialog().

Returns the print dialog data associated with the print dialog.

-spec new(Parent) -> wxPrintDialog() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec new(Parent, [Option]) -> wxPrintDialog()
             when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Option :: {data, wxPrintDialogData:wxPrintDialogData()};
         (Parent, Data) -> wxPrintDialog()
             when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Data :: wxPrintData:wxPrintData().