[erlang-questions] Include ERTS in an escript package
Loïc Hoguin
Fri Jan 11 09:27:53 CET 2019
Erlang.mk provides self-extracting releases for these situations.[1]
Maybe you can adapt the code[2] for your own use case. Basically it's a
script with the relx tar file appended at the end.
[1] https://erlang.mk/guide/sfx.html
[2] https://github.com/ninenines/erlang.mk/blob/master/plugins/sfx.mk
On 10/01/2019 22:48, Mark Geib wrote:
> I normally build erlang releases with rebar3 for deployment in our production environments. I do not require erlang to be installed on these systems since the release includes erlang, etc.
> I have a need to provide a escript for some metrics gathering and housekeeping operations, but with no erlang on these production
> servers I am wondering what the best approach is to provide these escripts for production.
> My question, is it possible, with rebar3 to package an escript in such a way as to include erlang, eliminating the dependency of
> install erlang on these servers. This would also allow me to continue providing releases based on different versions of erlang that run
> on the same production server.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
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Loïc Hoguin
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