[erlang-questions] display floats without -e?

PAILLEAU Eric eric.pailleau@REDACTED
Tue Jan 1 12:10:58 CET 2019

Hi again,
you may add also 'compact' option for unuseful zeros.

4> floaty:auto(3.4e-89).

Warning : documentation says for float_to_list/2 option 'decimals': " If 
the number does not fit in the internal static buffer of 256 bytes, the 
function throws badarg."

Le 01/01/2019 à 11:43, PAILLEAU Eric a écrit :
> Hi,
> 1> c(floaty).
> {ok,floaty}
> 2> floaty:auto(12.345555).
> "12.345555"
> 3> floaty:auto(12.3455553333333).
> "12.3455553333333"
> 4> list_to_float(floaty:auto(12.3455553333333)).
> 12.3455553333333
> Le 31/12/2018 à 20:31, Dan Sommers a écrit :
>> On 12/31/18 10:37 AM, Vans S wrote:
>>  > > 1> 0.0001.
>>  > 0.0001
>>  > > 2> 0.00001.
>>  > 1.0e-5
>>  > Once floats get to the 4th/5th decimal place they start being
>>  > displayed with the e-x notation.  Is there a way to make them always
>>  > display "normally", for example 0.00001 in this case ...
>> At some point, it's shorter and easier to read with the e-x notation.
>> Consider a number like 1e-44.  The last thing I want is to have to count
>> all those zeros.  ;-)
>> But you probably knew that.
>>  > ... The problem is when you turn the float into a string, its also
>>  > displayed as 1.0e-5, adding a format function works yes, but gets
>>  > annoying to maintain when you need to do arithmetic on the floats.
>>  > LIke sorting by the value.
>> I'm confused:  if you're doing arithmetic on the floats, why are you
>> concerned with the strings?
>> If you're sorting the strings, then you'll probably either (a) have to
>> ensure a consistent format, perhaps with something like a ~24.18.0e
>> specifier, or (b) convert the strings back to floats and suffer various
>> rounding errors.
>>  > Also debugging becomes annoying when you see the e-5, e-6, etc
>>  > notation everywhere and have to match it up.
>> On that we agree.  :-)
>>  > Is there a way to compile / add arg to the VM to not do this?
>> I'm pretty new at Erlang, so I'm probably missing a lot, but how are you
>> displaying the values now if not with a format function?  (I guess
>> there's io:write, but at that point, you're awfully close to calling
>> io:fwrite anyway.)
>> Are you just using the shell to do immediate calculations?  I'm sure
>> that the shell has its own default formatting, or maybe it just calls
>> io:write.
>> Dan
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