[erlang-questions] A website to show popular erlang modules
Bin Wang
Fri Jul 18 03:44:27 CEST 2014
Hi, all
The Erlang projects I'm analyzing is all come from Github. I get the
top 1000 stared Erlang projects from the Github's API. (I can only get
1000). Then analyze rebar.config to find the dependencies. So the
result is all done by machine.
So it's not as complex as a forum. If you are more interested in a
forum that could review, comment and vote , I may write a new project
based on it.
If Erlang has a package manager such as gem or npm, things could be
done much easier.
Bin Wang
2014-07-18 7:34 GMT+08:00 <lloyd@REDACTED>:
> Hi Bin,
> Your site is a valuable contribution to Erlang documentation. Much
> appreciate your hard work.
> In a dream world I imagine a link to a noobie-proof tutorial accompanying
> every listing--- why and when one would consider using the application and
> how to use it. Some kind of constructive community rating would be great as
> well. Nevertheless, this is a fine step forward. As they say in Mexico paso
> a paso.
> All the best,
> Lloyd
> ----Original Message-----
> From: "Bin Wang" <wbin00@REDACTED>
> Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:27pm
> To: "erlang-questions" <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
> Subject: [erlang-questions] A website to show popular erlang modules
> Hi,
> I've wrote this website some months ago. I will be happy if you find it
> helpful.
> http://erlang-modules.binwang.me/
> It will fetch popular Erlang projects on Github and see how many other
> Erlang projects are depended on it. Details could be found here:
> http://www.binwang.me/2013-11-16-Fetch-Popular-Erlang-Modules-by-Coffee-Script.html
> ---
> Bin Wang
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