A scroll event holds information about events sent from scrolling windows.
Note that you can use the EVT_SCROLLWIN* macros for intercepting scroll window events from the receiving window.
See: wxScrollEvent, Overview events
This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxEvent
wxWidgets docs: wxScrollWinEvent
Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxScrollWinEventType to subscribe to events of this type.
Data Types
wxScrollWin() =
#wxScrollWin{type = wxScrollWinEvent:wxScrollWinEventType(),
commandInt = integer(),
extraLong = integer()}
#wxScrollWin{type = wxScrollWinEvent:wxScrollWinEventType(),
commandInt = integer(),
extraLong = integer()}
wxScrollWinEventType() =
scrollwin_top | scrollwin_bottom | scrollwin_lineup |
scrollwin_linedown | scrollwin_pageup | scrollwin_pagedown |
scrollwin_thumbtrack | scrollwin_thumbrelease
scrollwin_top | scrollwin_bottom | scrollwin_lineup |
scrollwin_linedown | scrollwin_pageup | scrollwin_pagedown |
scrollwin_thumbtrack | scrollwin_thumbrelease
getOrientation(This) -> integer()
This = wxScrollWinEvent()
Returns wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL, depending on the orientation of the scrollbar.
getPosition(This) -> integer()
This = wxScrollWinEvent()
Returns the position of the scrollbar for the thumb track and release events.
Note that this field can't be used for the other events, you need to query the window itself for the current position in that case.