The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or several hierarchies of either.
For more information, please see overview_sizer_box.
See: wxSizer, Overview sizer
This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxSizer
wxWidgets docs: wxBoxSizer
new(Orient) -> wxBoxSizer()
Orient = integer()
Constructor for a wxBoxSizer.
orient may be either of wxVERTICAL or wxHORIZONTAL for creating either a column sizer or a row sizer.
getOrientation(This) -> integer()
This = wxBoxSizer()
Returns the orientation of the box sizer, either wxVERTICAL or wxHORIZONTAL.
destroy(This :: wxBoxSizer()) -> ok
Destroys the object.