[erlang-questions] Patch package OTP 19.0.7 released
Lukas Larsson
Thu Sep 15 07:32:27 CEST 2016
> On 15 sep. 2016, at 04:46, Kenneth Lakin <kennethlakin@REDACTED> wrote:
>> On 09/14/2016 06:24 AM, Henrik Nord X wrote:
>> Patch Package: OTP 19.0.7
> I did a bit of searching, but I seem to have missed any official
> documentation on the matter.
> So, some questions about Erlang versioning and patch packages:
> When the third component of the version number changes, does that
> indicate that that version was a patch package rather than a full
> release that gets its own tarball on erlang.org? (With the exception of
> 18.2.1.)
The versioning scheme that we use is described here: http://erlang.org/doc/system_principles/versions.html
And yes, normally only major and minor releases get tarballs and Windows installers built and uploaded to erlang.org
> For the foreseeable future, are the only Erlang releases that get source
> tarballs & etc. on erlang.org releases that increment the first or
> second component of the version number? (Or ones like 18.2.1 that fix
> _serious_ errors?)
> I notice that there were two separate patch packages released today,
> each containing a single fix. Was this simply a case of failing to
> include the fix for OTP-13890 in 19.0.6, or is there some reason why an
> Erlang user would want to install .6 rather than .7 that I'm missing?
Sometimes that can be the reason, this time we found another bug about 10 minutes after doing the 19.0.6 release.
> Thanks!
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