DSD 2006 announcer@REDACTED
Sat Feb 18 06:35:58 CET 2006

                  Our apologies if this is a duplicate email.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  DSD 2006 CALL FOR PAPERS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

               Architectures, Methods and Tools 
               Cavtat near Dubrovnik, Croatia 
              August 30th - September 1st, 2006
                  THIRD Call for Papers Distribution

Important Dates: 
Submission of papers: March 15th, 2006 (Extended*)
Notification of acceptance: May 3rd, 2006 
Deadline for final version: June 9th, 2006 

* due to many requests from potential authors the submission deadline is 
extended to March 15
The Program Committee will be grateful if the posters are distrubuted to other potential authors.
DSD 2006 POSTERS @ http://www.confman.org/dsd06/posters/DSD-2006-posterf.pdf

Euromicro Conference  on Digital  System Design  (DSD) addresses  all aspects of
(embedded) digital and mixed hardware/software system engineering.

It is a discussion forum  for researchers and engineers working  on state-of-the
art investigations, development, and applications.

It  focuses  on  advanced  system,  design,  and  design  automation   concepts,
paradigms, methods  and tools,  as well  as, modern  implementation technologies
that  enable  effective  and efficient  development  of  high-quality (embedded)
systems for important  and demanding applications  in fields such  as (wireless)
communication and networking;  measurement and instrumentation;  health-care and
medicine; military, space, avionic and automotive systems; security; multi-media
and ambient intelligence.

The main areas of interest are the following:

T1: Systems-on-a-chip/in-a-package: generic system platforms and  platform-based
design;  network  on  chip; multi-processors;  system  on  re-configurable chip;
system  FPGAs and  structured ASICs;  rapid prototyping;  asynchronous systems;
power, energy,  timing, predictability  and other  quality issues;  intellectual
property, virtual components and design reuse.

T2: Programmable/re-configurable architectures: processor, communication, memory
and software architectures  with focus on  application specific and/or  embedded
computing,  co-processors;  processing  arrays;  programmable  fabrics; embedded
software; arithmetic, logic and special-operator units. 

T3:  System,  hardware  and   embedded  software  specification,  modeling   and
validation:   design   languages;   functional,   structural   and    parametric
specification and modeling; simulation,  emulation, prototyping, and testing  at
the system, register-transfer, logic  and physical levels; co-simulation  and co

T4: System, hardware and embedded software synthesis: system,  hardware/software
and  embedded  software  synthesis;  behavioral,  register-transfer,  logic  and
physical  circuit  synthesis;  multi-objective  optimization  observing   power,
performance, communication,  interconnections, layout,  technology, reliability,
robustness,  security, testability  and other  issues; (dynamic)  management of
computational resources,  power, energy  etc.; design  environments for embedded
systems and re-configurable computing.

T5: Emerging technologies, system  paradigms and design methodologies:  optical,
bio,  nano  and quantum  technologies  and computing;  self-organizing  and self
adapting (wireless) systems; wireless sensor networks; ambient intelligence  and
augmented reality; ubiquitous, wearable  and implanted systems; deep  sub-micron
design issues.

T6: Applications of  (embedded) digital systems  with emphasis on  demanding and
new applications  in fields  such as:  (wireless) communication  and networking;
measurement  and  instrumentation; health-care  and  medicine; military,  space,
avionic  and  automotive  systems;  security;  multi-media,  instrumentation and
ambient intelligence;  health-care and  medicine; military,  space, avionic  and
automotive systems; security; multi-media and ambient intelligence. 


Special Topics and Sessions: 

ST1 (keynote): Design Methodology for Integrated Digital RF, Texsas Instruments

TITLE: "Reinventing Design Methodology for Integrated 'Digital RF'".
Dr. Roman Staszewski
Design Manager, DRP Design, WTBU
Texas Instruments

Both digital and RF/analog designers  can claim they have proven  and sufficient
design methodologies. The luxury of  isolation let them perfect their  own world
without any concern for the other. But, the world demands efficiency, the latest
technology for pennies. While tight integration of RF and digital in SOC is  the
cost  effective  answer,  it  opens  a  design  methodology  Pandora  Box.  What
previously  could  be  ignored,  has  to  be  considered.  What  was  proven and
sufficient, may  not work  anymore. The  resulting paradigm  change affects  all
aspects of  the design  process from  system architecture  to circuit  design to
validation to test. 

SS1: Resource-Aware Sensor Network Systems

SCOPE: The special session  on “Resource-Aware Sensor Network  Systems” addresses
concepts, implementations and  applications of sensor  network systems, as  well
as,  new  architectural models  and  hardware solutions  in  the sensor  network
domain. Papers on any  of the following and  re-lated topics will be  considered
for the special session:

•	 Sensor  network  concepts  and  architectures  
•	 Sensing,  processing and communicating on a chip 
•	 Low-power and low-energy computation and communication
•	 Communication-computation trade-offs 
•	 Resource-aware  SW/HW Co-design  
•  Position determination and synchronization in sensor networks 
•	 Fault-tolerance, dependability and robustness 
•	 Prototypes and applications

M. Handy, University of Rostock (DE)- matthias.handy@REDACTED


Special Session SS2: Low-Power and High-Performance Networks-on-Chip

Although  this  special  session  addresses  all  aspects  related  to concepts,
implementations and applications of networks-on-chip and related EDA tools,  its
focus  is  on low-power  and  high-performance aspects.  Papers  on any  of  the
following and related topics will be considered for the special session:

•	Network-on-Chip concepts and architectures
•	Application-specific communication on a chip and network topology
•	Routing schemes, switch concepts, layouts, and signal transmission
•	Low-power, low-energy and high-performance computation and communication
•	Communication/computation and energy/performance trade-offs
•	Static power minimization and dynamic power management
•	Data coding, error detection, fault-tolerance and robustness
•	Prototypes and applications

Session Organizer:
C. Cornelius, University of Rostock (DE) - claas.cornelius@REDACTED 

Special Session web page: 


Panel Sessions and Embedded Tutorials:  

Proposals  for panel  sessions and  embedded tutorials  are especially  welcome.
Please contact Program Chair (venki@REDACTED). 

Submission of papers: 

Regular Papers:  Submissions can  be made  that describe  innovative work in the
scope of  the Conference,  and especially,  in any  of the  above main  areas of
interest (please  indicate the  topic area).  If you  are submitting  to a track
please indicate the track area on the paper as: SS1 or SS2. Prospective  authors
are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for review electronically trough  the
following web  page (http://www.dsdconf.org/)  or by  sending the  paper to  the
Program  Chair via  email venki@REDACTED   (only in   the case   of the   web
access  problem)  before  the  deadline for  submission. Each  manuscript should
include  the  complete  paper  text,  all  illustrations,  and  references.  The
manuscript should conform to  the required format single-spaced,  double column,
A4/US letter page size, 10-point size Times Roman font, up to 8 pages. In  order
to conduct a blind review, no indication  of the authors' names should appear in
the submitted manuscript. 

Case  Study and  Application Papers:  Submissions can  be made  which report  on
state-of-the-art digital  systems, design  methods and/or  tools, and (embedded)
applications.  Papers  discussing  lessons  learned  from  practical experience,
demanding  or  new  applications,  and  experimental  research  are particularly
encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in the same way as regular papers. 

The Program  Committee will  decide if  papers will  be accepted  for a long
presentation (30 minutes), short presentation (15 minutes), or as a  poster.
For long and short presentations, 8 pages will be assigned in the  published
proceedings.  A  poster  presentation  will  be  assigned  4  pages.  Papers
exceeding the page limit will be charged 50 Euro per page in excess. If  the
paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must pre-register and pay the
conference fee before  the deadline for  submitting the camera-ready  paper.
Otherwise the paper will not be published in the proceedings. 

Check List: 
Prospective authors  should check  that the  following information  are included
while submitting the paper(s) for refereeing purpose. 

() The paper and its title page should not contain  the name(s) of the  author(s), 
   or their affiliation  
() The first  page of  the paper  should the  following information  
      * Title of the paper 
      * Track  Area 
      * Conference  topic area (write  the most appropriate  topic area) 
      * Up to six keywords 


Steering Committee: 
Chairman: Lech Józwiak, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (NL) 
Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Lund U. (SE) 
Antonio Nunez, U. Las Palmas (ES)

Program Chair: Venki Muthukumar, UNLV, USA 
Deputy Program Chair: H. Kubatova, Cz. TU. in Prague, (CZ)

Organizing General Chair: Prof. Ivica Crnkovic, U. Mälardalen (SE) 
Organizing Local Chair: Dr. Zoran Kalafatic, U. of Zagreb, Croatia

Program Committee:
Visit http://www.dsdcong.org/ for a complete list of Program Committee Members.

Contact Information: 
Program Chair: Dr Venki Muthukumar               
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 4026
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4026, USA
Phone:  +1 702 895 3566
Fax:      +1 702 895 4075
email:    venki@REDACTED 

DSD’06  web page: http://www.dsdconf.org/ 
Euromicro web page: http://www.euromicro.org/
DSD  web page: http://www2.ele.tue.nl/dsd/ 

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ END OF CFP @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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