Longstanding issues: structs & standalone Erlang

Fredrik Thulin ft@REDACTED
Wed Feb 15 10:27:07 CET 2006

On Wednesday 15 February 2006 10:02, Vlad Dumitrescu XX (LN/EAB) wrote:
> If I start with just "erl", I might be very surprised that some
> package I just installed isn't visible or working, because the
> default erl isn't the one the package wants.
> Is this a correct assumption?

I don't know. It feels like we mix up my way of installing parallell 
versions of Erlang/OTP with the Debian way, which does not install 
parallell versions.

In my case, an application like ejabberd, Yaws or YXA (I use all three, 
package all three in the same way, and have parallell versions of all 
three installed), would end up with the path to the 'right' version of 
Erlang/OTP in it's startup script. For ejabberd and Yaws, we have 
home-made shellscripts, but here is an example grep from YXA startup 
shellscript :



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