Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands
Return a full inter | face description record describing the InterfaceDef | orber_ifr:describe_interface/1 |
Micro transaction | facility | global:trans/2 |
Micro transaction | facility | global:trans/3 |
Micro transaction | facility | global:trans/4 |
Return the time displacement | factor associated with the target object | CosTime_UTO:'_get_tdf'/1 |
Start a filter | factory | cosNotificationApp:start_filter_factory/0 |
Start a PropertySet | Factory | cosProperty:start_SetFactory/0 |
Start a PropertySetDef | Factory | cosProperty:start_SetDefFactory/0 |
Start a Transaction | Factory | cosTransactions:start_factory/0 |
Stop the given PropertySet | Factory | cosProperty:stop_SetFactory/1 |
Stop the given PropertySetDef | Factory | cosProperty:stop_SetDefFactory/1 |
Start a channel | factory as default | cosNotificationApp:start_factory/0 |
Start a global channel | factory as default | cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/0 |
Return the default filter | factory associated with the target object | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory/1 |
Return the | factory object which created the target object | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1 |
Start a | factory, which is linked to the invoking process, with default settings | cosEventDomainApp:start_factory_link/0 |
Start a | factory, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options | cosEventDomainApp:start_factory_link/1 |
Start a | factory with default settings | cosEventDomainApp:start_factory/0 |
Start a Transaction | Factory with given options | cosTransactions:start_factory/1 |
Start a channel | factory with options | cosNotificationApp:start_factory/1 |
Start a global channel | factory with options | cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/1 |
Start a | factory with settings defined by the given options | cosEventDomainApp:start_factory/1 |
Fail with EOF | erl_driver:int driver_failure_eof/1 | |
Fail with error | erl_driver:int driver_failure/2 | |
Fail with error | erl_driver:int driver_failure_atom/2 | |
Fail with error | erl_driver:int driver_failure_posix/2 | |
Install a backup as | fallback. | mnesia:install_fallback/1 |
Install a backup as | fallback. | mnesia:install_fallback/2 |
Install a backup as | fallback. | mnesia:install_fallback/2 |
Uninstall a | fallback. | mnesia:uninstall_fallback/0 |
Uninstall a | fallback. | mnesia:uninstall_fallback/1 |
The default | fallback behaviour. | xmerl_xs:built_in_rules/2 |
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise | false | corba_object:is_nil/1 |
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise | false | corba_object:is_equivalent/2 |
Return trueif a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise | false and a non-valid property | CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1 |
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise | false and a non-valid Property Name | CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1 |
Return | false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true | corba_object:non_existent/1 |
Return | false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true | corba_object:non_existent/2 |
Return | false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true | corba_object:not_existent/1 |
Return | false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true | corba_object:not_existent/2 |
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise | false is returned and a sequence of max HowMany properties | CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2 |
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Return true if an event is actually cancelled, | false otherwise | CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1 |
Return true if the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, | false otherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object | CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1 |
Return the difference of two | families. | sofs:family_difference/2 |
Return the intersection of two | families. | sofs:family_intersection/2 |
Return the union of two | families. | sofs:family_union/2 |
Create a binary relation from a | family. | sofs:family_to_relation/1 |
Create a directed graph from a | family. | sofs:family_to_digraph/2 |
Return the intersection of a | family. | sofs:intersection_of_family/1 |
Return the union of a | family. | sofs:union_of_family/1 |
Return the OS | family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system | os:type/0 |
Add one view tree | family definition | snmp_view_based_acm_mib:add_view_tree_fam/4 |
Delete one view tree | family definition | snmp_view_based_acm_mib:delete_view_tree_fam/1 |
Create a | family from a binary relation. | sofs:relation_to_family/1 |
Create a | family from a directed graph. | sofs:digraph_to_family/2 |
Return a | family indexing a partition. | sofs:partition_family/2 |
Return a | family of domains. | sofs:family_domain/1 |
Return a | family of fields. | sofs:family_field/1 |
Return a | family of modified subsets. | sofs:family_projection/2 |
Return a | family of ranges. | sofs:family_range/1 |
Return the intersection of a | family of sets of sets. | sofs:family_intersection/1 |
Return the union of a | family of sets of sets. | sofs:family_union/1 |
Create a | family of subsets. | sofs:family/2 |
Select a subset of a | family using a predicate. | sofs:family_specification/2 |
Fatal error, but not system call error | erl_error:erl_err_quit/2 | |
Fatal system call error | erl_error:erl_err_sys/2 | |
Makes a trace pattern suitable to | feed change_pattern/1 | et_selector:make_pattern/1 |
Feed digit map collector with events and return the result | megaco:test_digit_event/2 | |
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher | Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode | crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3 |
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher | Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode | crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3 |
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher | Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode | crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3 |
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher | Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode | crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3 |
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser | fetch an external resource (eg. | xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2 |
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a | fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. | xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2 |
Fetch log files to control component node | inviso:fetch_log/2 | |
Fetch log files to control component node | inviso:fetch_log/3 | |
Fetch the contents of the private key field | corba:get_subobject_key/1 | |
Fetch the interface description | corba_object:get_interface/1 | |
Fetch the type and size of an encoded term | ei:ei_get_type/4 | |
Fetch the typecode | any:get_typecode/1 | |
Fetch the value | any:get_value/1 | |
Fetch typecode | orber_tc:get_tc/1 | |
Fetch typecode | orber_tc:get_tc/1 | |
Fetche the next answers | mnemosyne:next_answers/1 | |
Fetche the next answers | mnemosyne:next_answers/3 | |
Stop tracing and | fetch/format logs from all nodes | ttb:stop/1 |
Create a cursor in preparation for | fetching answers | mnemosyne:cursor/1 |
Create a cursor in preparation for | fetching answers | mnemosyne:cursor/2 |
For controlling the | FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. | xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2 |
Equivalent to | fetch_state(FetchState, S). | xmerl_scan:fetch_state/1 |
Add an Erlang term to a private key | field | corba:create_subobject_key/2 |
Fetch the contents of the private key | field | corba:get_subobject_key/1 |
Set the typecode | field | any:set_typecode/2 |
Set the value | field | any:set_value/2 |
Return the | field of a binary relation. | sofs:field/1 |
Get the id | field of a name component | lname_component:get_id/1 |
Get the kind | field of a name component | lname_component:get_kind/1 |
Set the id | field of a name component | lname_component:set_id/2 |
Set the kind | field of a name component | lname_component:set_kind/2 |
Return a family of | fields. | sofs:family_field/1 |
Split a string into | fields | regexp:split/2 |
Create a new empty | FIFO queue | queue:new/0 |
Return the | FifoOrder QoS value | CosNotification:'FifoOrder'/0 |
Get the system load average for the last | fifteen minutes | cpu_sup:avg15/0 |
Add a file to an open tar | file | erl_tar:add/3 |
Add a file to an open tar | file | erl_tar:add/4 |
append a chunk to the remote | file. | ftp:append_chunk/2 |
Calculates the Etag for a | file. | httpd_util:create_etag/1 |
Change group of a | file | file:change_group/2 |
Change information about a | file | file:write_file_info/2 |
Change owner and group of a | file | file:change_owner/3 |
Change owner of a | file | file:change_owner/2 |
Change the modification and last access time of a | file | file:change_time/3 |
Change the modification time of a | file | file:change_time/2 |
Check if a file path is a regular | file. | httpd_conf:is_file/1 |
Close a | file | file:close/1 |
Close an open tar | file | erl_tar:close/1 |
Compile a | file | compile:file/1 |
Compile a | file | compile:file/2 |
Compile and load code in a | file | c:c/1 |
Compile and load code in a | file | c:c/2 |
Create a TAGS file for the file | File. | tags:file/2 |
Create an autostart configuration | file | inviso_as_lib:setup_autostart/8 |
Create an initial RELEASES | file. | release_handler:create_RELEASES/4 |
Creates a config | file. | ttb:write_config/3 |
Decode a PKIX certificate | file. | ssl_pkix:decode_cert_file/1 |
Decode a PKIX certificate | file. | ssl_pkix:decode_cert_file/2 |
Delete a | file | file:delete/1 |
Delete a | file | ssh_sftp:delete/2 |
Dump an ETS table to a | file. | ets:tab2file/2 |
Dump local tables into a text | file. | mnesia:dump_to_textfile/1 |
Dump the current display to a | file. | etop:dump/1 |
Enable or disable error printouts to a | file | error_logger:logfile/1 |
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a | file | file:path_script/2 |
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a | file | file:path_script/3 |
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a | file | file:script/1 |
Evaluate and return the value of Erlang expressions in a | file | file:script/2 |
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a | file | file:eval/1 |
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a | file | file:eval/2 |
Evaluate Erlang expressions in a | file | file:path_eval/2 |
Executes all entries in a config | file. | ttb:run_config/1 |
Executes selected entries from a config | file. | ttb:run_config/2 |
Extract all files from a tar | file | erl_tar:extract/1 |
Extract files from a tar | file | erl_tar:extract/2 |
Get a | file | erl_prim_loader:get_file/1 |
Get information about a | file | file:read_file_info/1 |
Get information about a | file | ssh_sftp:get_file_info/2 |
Get information about a | file | ssh_sftp:read_file_info/2 |
Get information about a link or | file | file:read_link_info/1 |
Get the path to the mib | file | snmpa:whereis_mib/1 |
Get the path to the mib | file | snmpa:whereis_mib/2 |
Information about a BEAM | file | beam_lib:info/1 |
Insert the SourceFile into the DestinationFile Offset bytes from the start of the | file | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:insert/4 |
Lists all entries in a config | file. | ttb:list_config/1 |
Load a module, residing in a given | file | code:load_abs/1 |
Load tables from a text | file. | mnesia:load_textfile/1 |
Load the event table from a | file | et_collector:load_event_file/2 |
Log system events to the specified | file | sys:log_to_file/2 |
Log system events to the specified | file | sys:log_to_file/3 |
Make a hard link to a | file | file:make_link/2 |
Open a | file | file:open/2 |
Open a | file | file:path_open/3 |
Open a disk log | file. | disk_log:open/1 |
Open a log | file | wrap_log_reader:open/1 |
Open a log | file | wrap_log_reader:open/2 |
Open a tar | file. | erl_tar:open/2 |
Perform a user initiated dump of the local log | file. | mnesia:dump_log/0 |
Preprocesse and parse an Erlang source | file | epp:parse_file/3 |
Print name and information for each file in a tar | file | erl_tar:tt/1 |
Print the name of each file in a tar | file | erl_tar:t/1 |
Read a | file | file:read_file/1 |
Read a | file | ssh_sftp:read_file/2 |
Read a chunk from the | file | tftp:read/1 |
Read an ETS table from a | file. | ets:file2tab/1 |
Read asynchronously from an open | file | ssh_sftp:apread/4 |
Read asynchronously from an open | file | ssh_sftp:aread/3 |
Read Erlang terms from a | file | file:consult/1 |
Read Erlang terms from a | file | file:path_consult/2 |
Read from a | file | file:read/2 |
Read from an open | file | ssh_sftp:pread/4 |
Read from an open | file | ssh_sftp:read/3 |
Read memory allocation status from a | file | instrument:read_memory_status/1 |
Read saved match specifications from | file. | dbg:rtp/1 |
Read the .hosts.erlang | file | net_adm:host_file/0 |
Receive a chunk of the remote | file. | ftp:recv_chunk/1 |
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from a BEAM | file | beam_lib:strip/1 |
Rename a | file | file:rename/2 |
Rename a | file | ssh_sftp:rename/3 |
Retrieve name and information of all files in a tar | file | erl_tar:table/2 |
Retrieve the name of all files in a tar | file | erl_tar:table/1 |
Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source | file | epp:parse_erl_form/1 |
Return the size in bytes of the | file. | filelib:file_size/1 |
Save the events to a | file | et_collector:save_event_file/3 |
Seek position in open | file | ssh_sftp:position/3 |
Set position in a | file | file:position/2 |
Set the repeat parameter in the autostart | file | inviso_as_lib:set_repeat/2 |
Start a new event viewer and a corresponding collector and load them with trace events from a trace | file. | et_viewer:file/1 |
Start a server as specified in the given config | file. | httpd:start/0 |
Start a server as specified in the given config | file. | httpd:start/1 |
Start a server as specified in the given config | file. | httpd:start_link/0 |
Start a server as specified in the given config | file. | httpd:start_link/1 |
Start chunk-reading of the remote | file. | ftp:recv_chunk_start/2 |
Start transfer of file chunks for appending to | File. | ftp:append_chunk_start/2 |
Stop logging to | file | rb:stop_log/0 |
Store the current memory allocation map on a | file | instrument:store_memory_data/1 |
Store the current memory allocation status on a | file | instrument:store_memory_status/1 |
Test whether Name refer to a (regular) | file. | filelib:is_regular/1 |
Transfer a binary into a remote | file. | ftp:append_bin/3 |
Transfer a binary into a remote | file. | ftp:send_bin/3 |
Truncate a | file | file:truncate/1 |
Write a | file | file:write_file/2 |
Write a | file | file:write_file/3 |
Write a | file | ssh_sftp:write_file/3 |
Write a chunk to the | file | tftp:write/2 |
Write a chunk to the remote | file. | ftp:send_chunk/2 |
Write all saved match_spec's to a | file | dbg:wtp/1 |
Write asynchronously to an open | file | ssh_sftp:apwrite/4 |
Write asynchronously to an open | file | ssh_sftp:awrite/3 |
Write information for a | file | ssh_sftp:write_file_info/3 |
Write to a | file | file:write/2 |
Write to an open | file | ssh_sftp:pwrite/4 |
Write to an open | file | ssh_sftp:write/3 |
Writes any information to the .ti | file. | ttb:write_trace_info/2 |
Open a | file and return a handle | ssh_sftp:open/3 |
Return a new path with the default resource or | file appended. | mod_alias:default_index/2 |
Close the preprocessing of the | file associated with Epp | epp:close/1 |
Read from a | file at a certain position | file:pread/3 |
Write to a | file at a certain position | file:pwrite/3 |
Read from a | file at certain positions | file:pread/2 |
Write to a | file at certain positions | file:pwrite/2 |
Delete a | file at the remote server.. | ftp:delete/2 |
Rename a | file at the remote server.. | ftp:rename/3 |
Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS | file based on all files found. | tags:subdirs/2 |
Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS | file based on all files found. | tags:subdir/2 |
Start transfer of | file chunks. | ftp:send_chunk_start/2 |
Start transfer of | file chunks for appending to File. | ftp:append_chunk_start/2 |
Parse | file containing an XML document. | xmerl_scan:file/1 |
Parse | file containing an XML document as a stream, DOM style. | xmerl_eventp:stream/1 |
Parse | file containing an XML document as a stream, SAX style. | xmerl_eventp:stream_sax/4 |
Parse | file containing an XML document, SAX style. | xmerl_eventp:file_sax/1 |
Parse | file containing an XML document, SAX style. | xmerl_eventp:string_sax/1 |
Copy | file contents | file:copy/2 |
Copy | file contents | file:copy/3 |
Create a TAGS | file covering all files in the Erlang distribution. | tags:root/1 |
Get information about a | file (deprecated) | file:file_info/1 |
Object code | file extension | code:objfile_extension/0 |
Return the | file extension | filename:extension/1 |
Create a TAGS file for the | file File. | tags:file/2 |
Same as trace([start, | {file, Filename}]). | fprof:trace/2 |
Same as trace([start, verbose, | {file, Filename}]). | fprof:trace/2 |
Create a TAGS | file for all files in any directory in DirList. | tags:dirs/2 |
Create a TAGS | file for all files in directory Dir. | tags:dir/2 |
Open a | file for preprocessing | epp:open/2 |
Open a | file for preprocessing | epp:open/3 |
Open a | file for read or write access | tftp:open/5 |
Create a TAGS | file for the file File. | tags:file/2 |
Create a TAGS | file for the files in the list FileList. | tags:files/2 |
Read a (virtual) | file from a TFTP server | tftp:read_file/3 |
Transfer | file from remote server. | ftp:recv/3 |
Transfer | file from remote server as a binary. | ftp:recv_bin/2 |
Return the name of the | file handled by a pid | file:pid2name/1 |
Print name and information for each | file in a tar file | erl_tar:tt/1 |
Print the name of each | file in a tar file | erl_tar:t/1 |
Print name and information for each | file in a zip archive | zip:tt/1 |
Print the name of each | file in a zip archive | zip:t/1 |
Merge logfiles into one | file in chronological order | inviso_lfm:merge/2 |
Merge logfiles into one | file in chronological order | inviso_lfm:merge/3 |
Merge logfiles into one | file in chronological order | inviso_lfm:merge/5 |
Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a | file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3 |
Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a | file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3 |
Install a release | file in the release structure. | release_handler:install_file/2 |
Full name of a | file located in the code path | code:where_is_file/1 |
Get the | file name for an interpreted module | int:file/1 |
Get log | file names associated with tracerdata | inviso:list_logs/0 |
Get log | file names associated with tracerdata | inviso:list_logs/1 |
Get log | file names associated with tracerdata | inviso:list_logs/1 |
Get log | file names associated with tracerdata | inviso:list_logs/1 |
Delete the file or directory, represented by the | File object, from the target objects associated file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2 |
Create a | File Object representing a file which may or may not exist | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_file/2 |
Change to the next wrap log | file of a disk log. | disk_log:inc_wrap_file/1 |
The object code | file of a module | code:which/1 |
Compile and load code in a | file on all nodes | c:nc/1 |
Compile and load code in a | file on all nodes | c:nc/2 |
Prepare to open a | file on the client side | tftp:prepare/5 |
Read selected chunks from a BEAM | file or binary | beam_lib:chunks/2 |
Create a FileWrapper which represents a | file or directory | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:get_file/2 |
Make a symbolic link to a | file or directory | file:make_symlink/2 |
Test whether Name refer to a | file or directory. | filelib:is_file/1 |
Ensure that all parent directories for a | file or directory exist. | filelib:ensure_dir/1 |
Delete the | file or directory, represented by the File object, from the target objects associated file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2 |
Return the native form of a | file path | filename:nativename/1 |
Check if a | file path is a directory. | httpd_conf:is_directory/1 |
Check if a | file path is a regular file. | httpd_conf:is_file/1 |
Return the actual | file path to a URL. | mod_alias:path/3 |
Load raw Erlang trace from a | file, port or process. | et_collector:start_trace_client/3 |
Split a RequestLine in a | file reference and a QueryString or a PathInfo string. | httpd_util:split_path/1 |
Split a RequestLine in a | file reference to an executable and a QueryString or a PathInfo string. | httpd_util:split_script_path/1 |
Generate a release upgrade | file relup. | systools:make_relup/3 |
Generate a release upgrade | file relup. | systools:make_relup/4 |
Append the | file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3 |
Copy the | file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3 |
Return the mime type associated with a specific | file suffix. | httpd_util:lookup_mime/2 |
Return the mime type associated with a specific | file suffix. | httpd_util:lookup_mime/3 |
Extract the | file suffix from a given filename. | httpd_util:suffix/1 |
Return the mime type associated with a specific | file suffix or the value of the DefaultType. | httpd_util:lookup_mime_default/2 |
Return the mime type associated with a specific | file suffix or the value of the DefaultType. | httpd_util:lookup_mime_default/3 |
Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's | file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3 |
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated | file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2 |
Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's | file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3 |
Create a new instance of a Virtual | File System | cosFileTransferApp:create_VFS/5 |
Delete the file or directory, represented by the File object, from the target objects associated | file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2 |
Return the target object's associated | file system | CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_file_system_type'/1 |
Terminate the target object and close the connection to the | file system it represents | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:logout/1 |
Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's | file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3 |
Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's | file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3 |
Create a new directory in the target objects associated | file systems domain | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_directory/2 |
Set the repeat parameter in the autostart | file to 0 | inviso_as_lib:inhibit_autostart/1 |
Write a (virtual) | file to a TFTP server | tftp:write_file/3 |
Add a | file to an open tar file | erl_tar:add/3 |
Add a | file to an open tar file | erl_tar:add/4 |
Transfer | file to remote server. | ftp:send/3 |
Transfer | file to remote server, and append it to Remotefile. | ftp:append/3 |
Abort the | file transfer | tftp:abort/3 |
Return the local date and time when a | file was last modified. | filelib:last_modified/1 |
Create a File Object representing a | file which may or may not exist | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_file/2 |
Synchronizes the in-memory state of a | file with that on the physical medium | file:sync/1 |
Equivalent to | file(Filename, []). | xmerl_scan:file/1 |
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a | FileIterator or a NIL object | CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2 |
Create a TAGS file for the files in the list | FileList. | tags:files/2 |
Extract the file suffix from a given | filename. | httpd_util:suffix/1 |
Join an absolute directory with a relative | filename | filename:absname_join/2 |
Redirect all output to | FileName | rb:start_log/1 |
Return the last component of a | filename | filename:basename/1 |
Same as trace([start, {file, | Filename}]). | fprof:trace/2 |
Same as trace([start, verbose, {file, | Filename}]). | fprof:trace/2 |
Find the | filename and compiler options for a module | filename:find_src/1 |
Find the | filename and compiler options for a module | filename:find_src/2 |
Join a list of | filename components with directory separators | filename:join/1 |
Join two | filename components with directory separators | filename:join/2 |
Remove a | filename extension | filename:rootname/1 |
Remove a | filename extension | filename:rootname/2 |
Split a | filename into its path components | filename:split/1 |
Absolute | filename of a program | os:find_executable/1 |
Absolute | filename of a program | os:find_executable/2 |
Return the last component of a | filename, stripped of the specified extension | filename:basename/2 |
Convert a | filename to a flat string | filename:flatten/1 |
Convert a | filename to an absolute name, relative a specified directory | filename:absname/2 |
Convert a | filename to an absolute name, relative the working directory | filename:absname/1 |
Match | filenames using Unix-style wildcards. | filelib:wildcard/1 |
Match | filenames using Unix-style wildcards startin at a specified directory. | filelib:wildcard/2 |
Compare two BEAM | files | beam_lib:cmp/2 |
Compile | files | erlc:erlc |
Compile a list of | files | c:lc/1 |
Create tool | files | toolbar:create_tool_file/0 |
Merge terms on | files. | file_sorter:merge/2 |
Merge terms on | files. | file_sorter:merge/3 |
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from BEAM | files | beam_lib:strip_files/1 |
Return all imported | files. | cover:imported/0 |
Sort terms on | files. | file_sorter:sort/1 |
Sort terms on | files. | file_sorter:sort/2 |
Sort terms on | files. | file_sorter:sort/3 |
Check whether terms on | files are sorted. | file_sorter:check/1 |
Check whether terms on | files are sorted. | file_sorter:check/2 |
Check whether terms on | files are sorted by key. | file_sorter:keycheck/2 |
Check whether terms on | files are sorted by key. | file_sorter:keycheck/3 |
Delete log | files associated with tracerdata | inviso:delete_log/0 |
Delete log | files associated with tracerdata | inviso:delete_log/1 |
Delete log | files associated with tracerdata | inviso:delete_log/1 |
Delete log | files associated with tracerdata | inviso:delete_log/1 |
Delete log | files associated with tracerdata | inviso:delete_log/2 |
Merge terms on | files by key. | file_sorter:keymerge/3 |
Merge terms on | files by key. | file_sorter:keymerge/4 |
Sort terms on | files by key. | file_sorter:keysort/2 |
Sort terms on | files by key. | file_sorter:keysort/3 |
Sort terms on | files by key. | file_sorter:keysort/4 |
Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS file based on all | files found. | tags:subdirs/2 |
Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS file based on all | files found. | tags:subdir/2 |
Extract | files from a tar file | erl_tar:extract/2 |
Extract all | files from a tar file | erl_tar:extract/1 |
Extract | files from a zip archive | zip:extract/1 |
Extract | files from a zip archive | zip:extract/2 |
Extract | files from a zip archive | zip:unzip/1 |
Extract | files from a zip archive | zip:unzip/2 |
Extract | files from an open archive | zip:zip_get/1 |
Extract | files from an open archive | zip:zip_get/2 |
List | files in a directory | c:ls/1 |
List | files in a directory | file:list_dir/1 |
Compile all .beam | files in a directory for Cover analysis. | cover:compile_beam_directory/0 |
Compile all .beam | files in a directory for Cover analysis. | cover:compile_beam_directory/1 |
Retrieve name and information of all | files in a tar file | erl_tar:table/2 |
Retrieve the name of all | files in a tar file | erl_tar:table/1 |
Retrieve the name of all | files in a zip archive | zip:list_dir/1 |
Retrieve the name of all | files in a zip archive | zip:list_dir/2 |
Retrieve the name of all | files in a zip archive | zip:table/1 |
Retrieve the name of all | files in a zip archive | zip:table/2 |
Create a TAGS file for all | files in any directory in DirList. | tags:dirs/2 |
Create a TAGS file for all | files in directory Dir. | tags:dir/2 |
Return a table of | files in open zip archive | zip:zip_list_dir/1 |
List | files in the current directory | c:ls/0 |
Create a TAGS file covering all | files in the Erlang distribution. | tags:root/1 |
Create a TAGS file for the | files in the list FileList. | tags:files/2 |
Compare the BEAM | files in two directories | beam_lib:cmp_dirs/2 |
Compare the BEAM | files in two directories | beam_lib:diff_dirs/2 |
Fold over all | files matching a regular expression. | filelib:fold_files/5 |
Read the BEAM | file's module version | beam_lib:version/1 |
Step forward or backward among the wrap log | files of a disk log. | disk_log:chunk_step/3 |
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from all BEAM | files of a release | beam_lib:strip_release/1 |
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing | files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIterator or a NIL object | CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2 |
Fetch log | files to control component node | inviso:fetch_log/2 |
Fetch log | files to control component node | inviso:fetch_log/3 |
Return the target object's associated | FileTransferSession | CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_associated_session'/1 |
Create a new instance of a | FileTransferSession and a Directory | CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:login/4 |
Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination | FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3 |
Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination | FileTransferSession's file system | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3 |
Return the next | FileWrapper and a boolean which indicate whether the FileWrapper is valid or not. | CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_one/1 |
Return the next FileWrapper and a boolean which indicate whether the | FileWrapper is valid or not. | CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_one/1 |
Create a | FileWrapper which represents a file or directory | CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:get_file/2 |
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing | FileWrappers and a boolean which indicates if more FileWrappers exists | CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_n/2 |
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing FileWrappers and a boolean which indicates if more | FileWrappers exists | CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_n/2 |
Fill a Dets table with objects from an ETS table. | ets:to_dets/2 | |
Fill an ETS table with objects from a Dets table. | ets:from_dets/2 | |
Add new constraints to the | filter | CosNotifyFilter_Filter:add_constraints/2 |
Get range of | Filter | orber_acl:range/2 |
Register a notification | filter | snmpa:register_notification_filter/3 |
Register a notification | filter | snmpa:register_notification_filter/4 |
Register a notification | filter | snmpa:register_notification_filter/4 |
Register a notification | filter | snmpa:register_notification_filter/5 |
Unregister a notification | filter | snmpa:unregister_notification_filter/1 |
Unregister a notification | filter | snmpa:unregister_notification_filter/2 |
Verify if the IP address versus the | Filter | orber_acl:verify/3 |
Which notification | filter | snmpa:which_notification_filter/0 |
Which notification | filter | snmpa:which_notification_filter/1 |
Remove a | filter associated with the target object | CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_filter/2 |
Start a | filter factory | cosNotificationApp:start_filter_factory/0 |
Return the default | filter factory associated with the target object | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory/1 |
Filter gb_set elements | gb_sets:filter/2 | |
Return a list of all | filter Id:s associated with the target object | CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:get_all_filters/1 |
Create a | Filter object | CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory:create_filter/2 |
Return the | filter scheme | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyOperator/1 |
Filter set elements | sets:filter/2 | |
Add a new | filter to the target object | CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:add_filter/2 |
Return which type of Grammar the | Filter uses | CosNotifyFilter_Filter:_get_constraint_grammar/1 |
Return the | filter with the given Id | CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:get_filter/2 |
Return the | filtering schema used by the target object | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyOperator/1 |
Evaluate the given Any event with the | Filter's constraints | CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match/2 |
Evaluate the given structured event with the | Filter's constraints | CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match_structured/2 |
Remove all | filters from the target object | CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_all_filters/1 |
Find an application downgrade script | release_handler:downgrade_script/3 | |
Find an application upgrade script | release_handler:upgrade_script/2 | |
Find one cycle in a digraph. | digraph:get_cycle/2 | |
Find one path in a digraph. | digraph:get_path/3 | |
Find one short cycle in a digraph. | digraph:get_short_cycle/2 | |
Find one short path in a digraph. | digraph:get_short_path/3 | |
Queries the database to | find out the data types of the columns of the table Table. | odbc:describe_table/2 |
Queries the database to | find out the data types of the columns of the table Table. | odbc:describe_table/3 |
Find the filename and compiler options for a module | filename:find_src/1 | |
Find the filename and compiler options for a module | filename:find_src/2 | |
Find the IFR object reference for the Repository | orber_ifr:find_repository/0 | |
Find the index of a substring | string:rstr/2 | |
Find the index of a substring | string:str/2 | |
Find the list of inherited callback modules for a given module. | xmerl:callbacks/1 | |
Find the next row in the table | snmp_generic:table_next/2 | |
Set the library path and | finds the library modules. | xref:set_library_path/3 |
Finish the update of an MD5 Context and return the computed MD5 message digest | crypto:md5_final/1 | |
Finish the update of an MD5 context and return the computed MD5 message digest | erlang:erlang:md5_final/1 | |
Finish the update of an SHA context | crypto:sha_final/1 | |
Apply a match specification to the | first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. | dets:select/3 |
Match the | first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. | dets:match_object/3 |
Match the | first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. | dets:match/3 |
Extracts the | first element from a list | erl_eterm:erl_hd/1 |
Search a list of key-value tuples for a tuple whose | first element is a key. | httpd_util:key1search/2 |
Search a list of key-value tuples for a tuple whose | first element is a key. | httpd_util:key1search/3 |
Return the | first key in an ETS table. | ets:first/1 |
Return the | first key stored in a Dets table. | dets:first/1 |
Substitute the | first occurrence of a regular expression | regexp:sub/3 |
Return a sub-list of a certain length, starting at the | first position | lists:sublist/2 |
Reset the position to the | first property | CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:reset/1 |
Reset the position to the | first property name | CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:reset/1 |
Return the key for the | first record in a table. | mnesia:dirty_first/1 |
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the | first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. | odbc:select_count/2 |
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the | first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. | odbc:select_count/3 |
Returns the | first row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. | odbc:first/1 |
Returns the | first row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. | odbc:first/2 |
Extract the | first value associated with a key in an ETS table. | httpd_util:lookup/2 |
Extract the | first value associated with a key in an ETS table. | httpd_util:lookup/3 |
Return the index of the | first/last occurrence of Character in String | string:chr/2 |
Return the index of the | first/last occurrence of Character in String | string:rchr/2 |
Get the system load average for the last | five minutes | cpu_sup:avg5/0 |
Return the | fixed IDL typecode | orber_tc:fixed/2 |
Create a | fixed type | fixed:create/3 |
Create TypeCode representing the supplied | fixed type | fixed:get_typecode/1 |
Negate the supplied | Fixed Type | fixed:unary_minus/1 |
Add the supplied | Fixed types | fixed:add/2 |
Subtract Fixed2 from | Fixed1 | fixed:subtract/2 |
Divide | Fixed1 with Fixed2 | fixed:divide/2 |
Multiply | Fixed1 with Fixed2 | fixed:multiply/2 |
Divide Fixed1 with | Fixed2 | fixed:divide/2 |
Multiply Fixed1 with | Fixed2 | fixed:multiply/2 |
Subtract | Fixed2 from Fixed1 | fixed:subtract/2 |
Create an IFR objref of the type | FixedDef | orber_ifr:create_fixed/3 |
Get the values associated with a command line user | flag | init:get_argument/1 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/4 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/5 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/5 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/6 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/8 |
Activate meta tracing and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_tracer/9 |
Add match specifications and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_ms_tracer/5 |
Add match specifications and at the same time append a {tracer,Tracer} process trace | flag to the enable list in a match specification trace action term | inviso:tpm_ms_tracer/6 |
Clear all process trace | flags | inviso:ctf_all/0 |
Clear all process trace | flags | inviso:ctf_all/1 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso:ctf/1 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso:ctf/2 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso:ctf/2 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso:ctf/3 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso_rt:ctf/1 |
Clear process trace | flags | inviso_rt:ctf/2 |
Get all command line user | flags | init:get_arguments/0 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso:tf/1 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso:tf/1 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso:tf/2 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso:tf/2 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso:tf/3 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso_rt:tf/1 |
Set process trace | flags | inviso_rt:tf/2 |
Set system | flags | erlang:erlang:system_flag/2 |
Trace Item according to | Flags. | dbg:p/2 |
Set process | flags for a process | erlang:process_flag/3 |
Set trace | flags for a process or processes | erlang:erlang:trace/3 |
Set process | flags for the calling process | erlang:process_flag/2 |
Set | flags on how to handle control entry function | erl_driver:void set_port_control_flags/2 |
Sets the given trace | flags on the given processes. | ttb:p/2 |
Evaluate apply(M,F,Args) with all trace | flags set. | dbg:c/3 |
Evaluate apply(M,F,Args) with Flags trace | flags set. | dbg:c/4 |
Evaluate apply(M,F,Args) with | Flags trace flags set. | dbg:c/4 |
Convert a filename to a | flat string | filename:flatten/1 |
Flatten a deep list | lists:flatten/1 | |
Flatten a deep list | lists:flatten/2 | |
Map and | flatten in one pass | lists:flatmap/2 |
Length of | flattened deep list | lists:flatlength/1 |
Check whether a term is a | float | erlang:is_float/1 |
Convert a number to a | float | erlang:float/1 |
Convert from text representation to a | float | erlang:list_to_float/1 |
Creates an Erlang | float | erl_eterm:erl_mk_float/1 |
Encode a double | float | ei:ei_encode_double/3 |
Encode a double | float | ei:ei_x_encode_double/2 |
Return a random | float | random:uniform/0 |
Return a random | float | random:uniform_s/1 |
Text representation of a | float | erlang:float_to_list/1 |
Set threshold, as percentage represented by a | float, for disk space utilization | disksup:set_almost_full_threshold/1 |
Set threshold, as percentage represented by a | float, for process memory allocation | memsup:set_procmem_high_watermark/1 |
Set threshold, given as a | float, for system memory allocation | memsup:set_sysmem_high_watermark/1 |
Returns a | float whose text representation is the integers (ASCII values) in String. | string:to_float/1 |
Assign a | floating point object | registry:ei_reg_setfval/3 |
Get a | floating point object | registry:ei_reg_getfval/2 |
Flush any messages sent to the shell | c:flush/0 | |
Flush internal data buffers in a trace driver on the given node. | dbg:flush_trace_port/1 | |
Flush messages | lib:flush_receive/0 | |
Flush the contents of a disk log to the disk. | disk_log:sync/1 | |
Equivalent to | flush_trace_port(node()). | dbg:flush_trace_port/0 |
Fold a function over a Dets table. | dets:foldl/3 | |
Fold a function over a Dets table. | dets:foldr/3 | |
Fold a function over a dictionary | dict:fold/3 | |
Fold a function over a list | lists:foldl/3 | |
Fold a function over a list | lists:foldr/3 | |
Fold a function over an ETS table | ets:foldl/3 | |
Fold a function over an ETS table | ets:foldr/3 | |
Fold a function over the answers to a query. | qlc:fold/4 | |
Map and | fold in one pass | lists:mapfoldl/3 |
Map and | fold in one pass | lists:mapfoldr/3 |
Fold over all files matching a regular expression. | filelib:fold_files/5 | |
Fold over gb_set elements | gb_sets:fold/3 | |
Fold over set elements | sets:fold/3 | |
Return the | ForbidCycles value; required when defining QoS Properties | CosEventDomainAdmin:'ForbidCycles'/0 |
Return the | ForbidDiamonds value; required when defining QoS Properties | CosEventDomainAdmin:'ForbidDiamonds'/0 |
Force a table to be loaded into the system | mnesia:force_load_table/1 | |
Force an immediate garbage collection of a process | erlang:garbage_collect/1 | |
Force an immediate garbage collection of the calling process | erlang:garbage_collect/0 | |
Force the disconnection of a node | erlang:disconnect_node/1 | |
Instruct the target object to | forget any heuristic decisions | CosTransactions_Resource:forget/1 |
Convert an Erlang term into an abstract | form | erl_parse:abstract/1 |
Create a UTO representing the given time in Utc | form | CosTime_TimeService:uto_from_utc/2 |
Parse an Erlang | form | erl_parse:parse_form/1 |
Pretty print a | form | erl_pp:form/1 |
Pretty print a | form | erl_pp:form/2 |
Read and tokenize an Erlang | form | io:scan_erl_form/1 |
Read and tokenize an Erlang | form | io:scan_erl_form/3 |
Read, tokenize and parse an Erlang | form | io:parse_erl_form/1 |
Read, tokenize and parse an Erlang | form | io:parse_erl_form/3 |
Return the data associated with the target object in Utc | form | CosTime_UTO:'_get_utc_time'/1 |
Return the next Erlang | form from the opened Erlang source file | epp:parse_erl_form/1 |
Return the native | form of a file path | filename:nativename/1 |
Convert abstract | form to an Erlang term | erl_parse:normalise/1 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmp:log_to_txt/5 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmp:log_to_txt/6 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmp:log_to_txt/7 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/2 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/3 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/4 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/5 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/6 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpa:log_to_txt/7 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/2 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/3 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/4 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/5 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/6 |
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text | format | snmpm:log_to_txt/7 |
Convert The the date to the Erlang date | format. | httpd_util:convert_request_date/1 |
Converts a term from Erlang external | format | erl_marshal:erl_decode/1 |
Converts a term from Erlang external | format | erl_marshal:erl_decode_buf/1 |
Converts a term into Erlang external | format | erl_marshal:erl_encode/2 |
Converts a term into Erlang external | format | erl_marshal:erl_encode_buf/2 |
Return the current date in RFC 1123 | format. | httpd_util:rfc1123_date/0 |
Return the current date in RFC 1123 | format. | httpd_util:rfc1123_date/6 |
Format a binary trace log | ttb:format/2 | |
Format a crash report. | proc_lib:format/1 | |
Format a term from a format string and parameters. | ei:ei_x_format/3 | |
Format a term from a format string and parameters. | ei:ei_x_format_wo_ver/3 | |
Format an error descriptor | compile:format_error/1 | |
Format an error descriptor | erl_ddll:format_error/1 | |
Format an error descriptor | erl_lint:format_error/1 | |
Format an error descriptor | erl_parse:format_error/1 | |
Format an error descriptor | erl_scan:format_error/1 | |
Format an error descriptor | regexp:format_error/1 | |
Decode an Erlang external term | format binary | erlang:binary_to_term/1 |
Encode a term to an Erlang external term | format binary | erlang:term_to_binary/1 |
Encode a term to en Erlang external term | format binary | erlang:term_to_binary/2 |
Transforms Erlang abstract | format containing calls to ets/dbg:fun2ms into literal match specifications. | ms_transform:parse_transform/2 |
Change | format on all records in table. Tab | mnesia:transform_table/3 |
Change | format on all records in table. Tab | mnesia:transform_table/4 |
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the | format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. | odbc:sql_query/2 |
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the | format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. | odbc:sql_query/3 |
Format a term from a | format string and parameters. | ei:ei_x_format/3 |
Format a term from a | format string and parameters. | ei:ei_x_format_wo_ver/3 |
Stop debugging an application and | format the trace log. | webtool:stop_debug/0 |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | megaco:print_version_info/0 | |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | megaco:print_version_info/1 | |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | snmp:print_version_info/0 | |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | snmp:print_version_info/1 | |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | snmp:print_versions/1 | |
Formated print of result of the versions functions | snmp:print_versions/2 | |
Same as | format(File,[]). | ttb:format/1 |
Read | formatted input | io:fread/3 |
Read | formatted input | io_lib:fread/2 |
Write | formatted output | io:format/1 |
Write | formatted output | io:format/3 |
Write | formatted output | io:fwrite/1 |
Write | formatted output | io:fwrite/3 |
Write | formatted output | io_lib:format/2 |
Write | formatted output | io_lib:fwrite/2 |
Re-entrant | formatted reader | io_lib:fread/3 |
Error | formatting function as required by the parse_transform interface. | ms_transform:format_error/1 |
Compile a list of | forms | compile:forms/1 |
Compile a list of | forms | compile:forms/2 |
Transform Erlang | forms | erl_id_trans:parse_transform/2 |
Step | forward or backward among the wrap log files of a disk log. | disk_log:chunk_step/3 |
Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS file based on all files | found. | tags:subdirs/2 |
Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS file based on all files | found. | tags:subdir/2 |
Analyses raw profile data in the | fprof server. | fprof:analyse/1 |
Compiles a trace into raw profile data held by the | fprof server. | fprof:profile/1 |
Starts the | fprof server. | fprof:start/0 |
Stops the | fprof server. | fprof:stop/1 |
This function is invoked when a new | fragment is added to a fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:add_frag/1 |
This function is invoked when a | fragment is deleted from a fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:del_frag/1 |
Resolves the key of a record into a | fragment number | mnesia_frag_hash:key_to_frag_number/2 |
Resolves a MatchSpec into a list of | fragment numbers | mnesia_frag_hash:match_spec_to_frag_numbers/2 |
This function is invoked when a fragment is deleted from a | fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:del_frag/1 |
This function is invoked when a new fragment is added to a | fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:add_frag/1 |
Get/set if and how to save call | frames | int:stack_trace/0 |
Get/set if and how to save call | frames | int:stack_trace/1 |
Set how to save call | frames | i:ist/1 |
Free a driver binary | erl_driver:void driver_free_binary/1 | |
Free an allocated memory block | erl_driver:void driver_free/1 | |
Free any allocated data. | ic_clib:CORBA_free/1 | |
Clears the ETERM | freelist | erl_malloc:erl_eterm_release/1 |
Frees a buffer | ei:ei_x_free/1 | |
Frees an array of ETERM structures | erl_malloc:erl_free_array/2 | |
Frees an array of ETERM structures | erl_malloc:erl_free_compound/1 | |
Frees an ETERM structure | erl_malloc:erl_free_term/1 | |
Frees some memory | erl_malloc:erl_free/1 | |
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit | from, object of the given type | corba_object:is_a/2 |
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit | from, object of the given type | corba_object:is_a/3 |
Cancel an internal timer in a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:cancel_timer/1 |
Send a delayed event internally in a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:send_event_after/2 |
Send a timeout event internally in a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:start_timer/2 |
Send an event asynchronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2 |
Send an event asynchronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:send_event/2 |
Send an event synchronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:sync_send_event/2 |
Send an event synchronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:sync_send_event/3 |
Send an event syncronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/2 |
Send an event syncronously to a generic | FSM. | gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/3 |
Return a | full inter face description record describing the InterfaceDef | orber_ifr:describe_interface/1 |
Full name of a file located in the code path | code:where_is_file/1 | |
Called when an undefined lambda | (fun) is encountered | error_handler:undefined_lambda/3 |
Another error | function | math:erfc/1 |
Common dispatch | function | pg2:get_closest_pid/1 |
Create a | function. | sofs:a_function/2 |
Create breakpoints in the specified | function | i:ib/3 |
Create breakpoints in the specified | function | int:break_in/3 |
Delete breakpoints from the specified | function | i:ir/3 |
Delete breakpoints from the specified | function | int:del_break_in/3 |
Error | function. | math:erf/1 |
For controlling the UserState, to be used in a user | function. | xmerl_scan:user_state/2 |
Portable hash | function | erlang:erlang:phash/2 |
Portable hash | function | erlang:erlang:phash2/2 |
Pretty print a | function | erl_pp:function/1 |
Pretty print a | function | erl_pp:function/2 |
Return the inverse of a | function. | sofs:inverse/1 |
Set flags on how to handle control entry | function | erl_driver:void set_port_control_flags/2 |
Test for a | function. | sofs:is_a_function/1 |
Trace information about a process or | function | erlang:erlang:trace_info/2 |
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event | function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. | xmerl_scan:event_state/2 |
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation | function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. | xmerl_scan:cont_state/2 |
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch | function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. | xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2 |
For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook | function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. | xmerl_scan:hook_state/2 |
For controlling the RulesState, to be used in a rules | function, and called when the parser store scanner information in a rules database. | xmerl_scan:rules_state/2 |
Same as apply({Module, | Function}, Args, []). | fprof:apply/3 |
Same as apply({Module, | Function}, Args, OptionList). | fprof:apply/4 |
Measure the real time it takes to evaluate apply(Module, | Function, Arguments) | timer:tc/3 |
Create a new process with a | function as entry point | erlang:spawn/3 |
Create a new process with a | function as entry point | erlang:spawn_opt/4 |
Create and link to a new process with a | function as entry point | erlang:spawn_link/3 |
Create a new process with a | function as entry point on a given node | erlang:spawn/4 |
Create a new process with a | function as entry point on a given node | erlang:spawn_opt/5 |
Create and link to a new process with a | function as entry point on a given node | erlang:spawn_link/4 |
Error formatting | function as required by the parse_transform interface. | ms_transform:format_error/1 |
Display profiling results per | function call. | eprof:total_analyse/0 |
Evaluate a | function call on a node | rpc:call/4 |
Evaluate a | function call on a node | rpc:call/5 |
Evaluate a | function call on a node, asynchrous version | rpc:async_call/4 |
Deliver the result of evaluating a | function call on a node (blocking) | rpc:yield/1 |
Evaluate a | function call on a node in the RPC server's context | rpc:block_call/4 |
Evaluate a | function call on a node in the RPC server's context | rpc:block_call/5 |
Deliver the result of evaluating a | function call on a node (non-blocking) | rpc:nb_yield/1 |
Deliver the result of evaluating a | function call on a node (non-blocking) | rpc:nb_yield/2 |
Evaluate a | function call on a number of nodes | rpc:multicall/3 |
Evaluate a | function call on a number of nodes | rpc:multicall/4 |
Evaluate a | function call on a number of nodes | rpc:multicall/4 |
Evaluate a | function call on a number of nodes | rpc:multicall/5 |
Set pattern for traced global | function calls | dbg:tp/2 |
Set pattern for traced global | function calls | dbg:tp/3 |
Set pattern for traced global | function calls | dbg:tp/4 |
Set pattern for traced global | function calls | dbg:tp/4 |
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) | function calls | dbg:tpl/2 |
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) | function calls | dbg:tpl/3 |
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) | function calls | dbg:tpl/4 |
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) | function calls | dbg:tpl/4 |
Set trace patterns for tracing of | function calls | erlang:erlang:trace_pattern/3 |
Evaluate several | function calls on all nodes in parallel | rpc:parallel_eval/1 |
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this | function can also return a list of result tuples. | odbc:sql_query/2 |
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this | function can also return a list of result tuples. | odbc:sql_query/3 |
Hash | function (deprecated) | erlang:erlang:hash/2 |
Call | Function for each record in Table | mnesia:foldl/3 |
Call | Function for each record in Table | mnesia:foldr/3 |
Obsolete | function for receiving a message | ei_connect:ei_receive_encoded/5 |
Obsolete | function for receiving a message with timeout | ei_connect:ei_receive_encoded_tmo/6 |
Default instrumentation | function for tables | snmp_generic:table_func/2 |
Default instrumentation | function for tables | snmp_generic:table_func/4 |
Default instrumentation | function for tables | snmp_generic:variable_func/2 |
Default instrumentation | function for tables | snmp_generic:variable_func/3 |
Remove a debug | function from the process | sys:remove/2 |
Remove a debug | function from the process | sys:remove/3 |
Install a debug | function in the process | sys:install/3 |
Install a debug | function in the process | sys:install/4 |
Check if a | function is a BIF implemented in C | erlang:erlang:is_builtin/3 |
This | function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security | mod_security:event/4 |
This | function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security | mod_security:event/5 |
Called when an undefined | function is encountered | error_handler:undefined_function/3 |
Check if a | function is exported and loaded | erlang:erlang:function_exported/3 |
This | function is invoked when a fragment is deleted from a fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:del_frag/1 |
This | function is invoked when a new fragment is added to a fragmented table | mnesia_frag_hash:add_frag/1 |
Run a | function on a node ignoring the result | rpc:cast/4 |
Run a | function on all nodes, ignoring the result | rpc:eval_everywhere/3 |
Run a | function on specific nodes, ignoring the result | rpc:eval_everywhere/4 |
Fold a | function over a Dets table. | dets:foldl/3 |
Fold a | function over a Dets table. | dets:foldr/3 |
Fold a | function over a dictionary | dict:fold/3 |
Map a | function over a dictionary | dict:map/2 |
Fold a | function over a list | lists:foldl/3 |
Fold a | function over a list | lists:foldr/3 |
Map a | function over a list | lists:map/2 |
Parallell evaluation of mapping a | function over a list | rpc:pmap/4 |
Map a | function over a list of tuples | lists:keymap/3 |
Fold a | function over an ETS table | ets:foldl/3 |
Fold a | function over an ETS table | ets:foldr/3 |
Fold a | function over the answers to a query. | qlc:fold/4 |
Callback | function that is called when the Web server is closed. | httpd:Module:remove/1 |
Name resolving | function that kills one pid | global:random_exit_name/3 |
Create the | function that maps each element of a set onto another set. | sofs:constant_function/2 |
Name resolving | function that notifies both pids | global:notify_all_name/3 |
Name resolving | function that notifies one pid | global:random_notify_name/3 |
Pseudo | function that transforms fun syntax to a match_spec. | ets:fun2ms/1 |
Pseudo | function that transforms fun syntax to match_spec. | dbg:fun2ms/1 |
Function to accumulate and normalize whitespace. | xmerl_scan:accumulate_whitespace/1 | |
Apply a | function to all or some objects stored in a Dets table. | dets:traverse/2 |
Apply a | function to an argument list | erlang:apply/2 |
Apply a | function to an argument list | erlang:apply/3 |
Apply a | function to each element of a list | lists:foreach/2 |
Obsolete | function to send a message | ei_connect:ei_send_encoded/4 |
Obsolete | function to send a message to a registered name | ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded/5 |
Obsolete | function to send a message to a registered name with timeout | ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded_tmo/5 |
Obsolete | function to send a message with optional timeout | ei_connect:ei_send_encoded_tmo/5 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/4 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/5 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:code_change/3 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:handle_info/2 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:init/1 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/6 |
User defined | function which is not a part of Orber | Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:terminate/2 |
Return a | function with a given set as domain. | sofs:substitution/2 |
Compress a binary with standard zlib | functionality | zlib:compress/1 |
Uncompress a binary with standard zlib | functionality | zlib:uncompress/1 |
>Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpg/2 |
>Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpg/3 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctp/0 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctp/1 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctp/2 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctp/3 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctp/3 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpg/0 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpg/1 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpg/3 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpl/0 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpl/1 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpl/2 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpl/3 |
Clear call trace pattern for the specified | functions | dbg:ctpl/3 |
Diverse math | functions | math:acos/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:acosh/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:asin/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:asinh/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:atan/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:atan2/2 |
Diverse math | functions | math:atanh/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:cos/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:cosh/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:exp/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:log/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:log10/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:pow/2 |
Diverse math | functions | math:sin/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:sinh/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:sqrt/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:tan/1 |
Diverse math | functions | math:tanh/1 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | megaco:print_version_info/0 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | megaco:print_version_info/1 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | snmp:print_version_info/0 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | snmp:print_version_info/1 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | snmp:print_versions/1 |
Formated print of result of the versions | functions | snmp:print_versions/2 |
Name lookup | functions | ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyaddr/3 |
Name lookup | functions | ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyaddr_r/7 |
Name lookup | functions | ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyname/1 |
Name lookup | functions | ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyname_r/5 |
Name lookup | functions | erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyaddr/3 |
Name lookup | functions | erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyaddr_r/7 |
Name lookup | functions | erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyname/1 |
Name lookup | functions | erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyname_r/5 |
Pause running call count trace for all | functions. | cprof:pause/0 |
Pause running call count trace for matching | functions. | cprof:pause/1 |
Pause running call count trace for matching | functions. | cprof:pause/2 |
Pause running call count trace for matching | functions. | cprof:pause/3 |
Provide a list of available crypto | functions. | crypto:info/0 |
Restart existing call counters for matching | functions. | cprof:restart/0 |
Restart existing call counters for matching | functions. | cprof:restart/1 |
Restart existing call counters for matching | functions. | cprof:restart/2 |
Restart existing call counters for matching | functions. | cprof:restart/3 |
Return the composite of two | functions. | sofs:composite/2 |
Start call count tracing for all | functions. | cprof:start/0 |
Start call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:start/1 |
Start call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:start/2 |
Start call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:start/3 |
Stop call count tracing for all | functions. | cprof:stop/0 |
Stop call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:stop/1 |
Stop call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:stop/2 |
Stop call count tracing for matching | functions. | cprof:stop/3 |
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode | functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. | asn1ct:compile/1 |
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode | functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. | asn1ct:compile/2 |
Creates a dynamic web page and return it as a list. This | functions is deprecated and only keept for backwards compability. | mod_esi:Module:Function/2 |
Used when transforming | fun's created in the shell into match_specifications. | ms_transform:transform_from_shell/3 |
Exports a normal XML element directly, without | further context. | xmerl:export_element/2 |
Exports a simple XML element directly, without | further context. | xmerl:export_simple_element/2 |
Exports normal XML content directly, without | further context. | xmerl:export_content/2 |
Exports simple XML content directly, without | further context. | xmerl:export_simple_content/2 |
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the | future | CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3 |
Return the node with the expected lowest | future load | pool:get_node/0 |
Spawn a process on the pool node with expected lowest | future load | pool:pspawn/3 |
Spawn and link to a process on the pool node with expected lowest | future load | pool:pspawn_link/3 |