[erlang-questions] webrtc lib

Max Lapshin max.lapshin@REDACTED
Sun May 20 21:38:08 CEST 2018

There is an obvious problem:  right now webrtc implementation is deeply
merged with flussonic internals like:

websocket_info({dtls, key_material, #srtp_params{} = SrtpParams}, Req,
#publish{stream_name = StreamName} = State) ->
  % events:debug("Got SRTP params: ~p", [SrtpParams]),
  % {ok, DTS} = live_stream:getattr(StreamName, last_dts),
  % Now = erlang:system_time(milli_seconds),
  MI = live_stream:media_info(StreamName),

live_stream is a internal module and not supposed to be exported to
public-available library.

It will take some time to extract.
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