[erlang-questions] webrtc lib

Stefan Hellkvist hellkvist@REDACTED
Fri May 18 10:22:30 CEST 2018

> 18 maj 2018 kl. 08:14 skrev Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED>:
> Hi.
> We have webrtc implementation inside Flussonic.
> It is a pure full webrtc implementation, not websocket signalling, but full video/audio transfer.
> You are speaking about it?

That is interesting. We were actually talking about integrating Janus (https://janus.conf.meetecho.com) with Erlang but it is interesting to hear about an Erlang webrtc implementation. What is exactly that you have implemented? Janus does srtp relaying and does ice negotiation  with STUN/TURN as well as allowing you to write plugins with more specific application logic. What type of webrtc support exists in Flussonic? 

Another late development is the added support for webrtc in latest Gstreamer (which also uses libnice ). I’m thinking that, if one were to wrap webrtc into and Erlang environment that perhaps the Gstreamer pipeline is a more flexible integration point than Janus? I have tried the new Gstreamer with some limited simple use cases and it seems to work fine.


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