[erlang-questions] Include seq_trace token in logger crash_report?
Vince Foley
Tue Jul 31 07:50:21 CEST 2018
wow, that's awesome. I tried it out and that indeed will work for me!
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 2:05 AM, Lukas Larsson <lukas@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello!
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 10:35 PM Vince Foley <vincefoley@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hello! I'm doing some error monitoring with `logger`, and it'd be really
>> nice to include the `seq_trace` token in the crash_report data structure
>> That'd let me correlate the source of the crash since by the time I get
>> the crash_report message the original process is likely gone..
>> I see that really useful stuff like the process dictionary & message
>> queue is part of the report, would it be possible to add the token? If so,
>> how would I make such a request?
> You can add your own report-data to the log report by using a logger
> filter. For instance the filter below will include the seq_trace token into
> any logging message that fits the structure of an otp error report.
> SeqTraceFilter = fun(#{msg := {report, #{ report := R } = Msg}} = L,_) ->
> L#{ msg := {report, Msg#{ report :=
> [{seq_trace,seq_trace:get_token()} | R] }}};
> (L,_) -> L
> end,
> logger:add_primary_filter(seq_trace,{SeqTraceFilter,[]}).
> Another way to achieve the same thing would be to add the seq_trace token
> as a meta entry using a filter and then output that by modifying the
> template of the default handler.
> Lukas
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