[erlang-questions] Orelse and andalso as short-hand for case
Dmitry Kolesnikov
Mon Jul 23 16:16:56 CEST 2018
This is a clear case for Option data type…
I would prefer to use explicit definition of a function that is able to handle undefined values
print(undefined) ->
print(Msg) ->
io:format("Message: ~s~n", [Msg]).
Alternatively, there is a parse transforms for composition of maybe/option types (https://github.com/fogfish/datum/blob/master/doc/category.md#option <https://github.com/fogfish/datum/blob/master/doc/category.md#option>)
Long time ago, I’ve used andalso syntax but it never stays longer at code repository due to readability. It has been refactored to function(s) with guards or pattern match.
Best Regards,
> On 23 Jul 2018, at 16.32, Dmitry Belyaev <be.dmitry@REDACTED> wrote:
> How does it mess with types? The andalso and orelse operators should only care about the type of the first operand and it always is boolean.
> I personally don't like list comprehension as brackets create additional noise and might not be obvious to other developers.
> Also dialyzer may complain about unused value in either of ways, so the cleanest is probably case or if. The latter in Elixir doesn't require else branch which reduces noise a little bit.
> On 23 July 2018 21:05:37 GMT+10:00, Jesper Louis Andersen <jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 9:09 PM Jachym Holecek <freza@REDACTED <mailto:freza@REDACTED>> wrote:
> # Viktor Söderqvist 2018-07-22:
> >
> > Msg /= undefined andalso io:format("Message: ~s~n", [Msg]),
> >
> > I this good or bad style?
> It is horrible style. Pain to read, pain to modify, pain to reason about.
> Simple clear question deserves a simple clear answer. :-)
> I don't like the style either, mostly because it messes with the types. andalso and orelse expects boolean expressions, but the style used breaks that format. However, something like
> [x || Msg /= undefined]
> doesn't.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Dmitry Belyaev
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