[erlang-questions] Using File containing list as an input

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Sun Jul 1 18:22:04 CEST 2018

I'll do this with a 4 element list to show the principle (you have a
100K list but it works the same way)

1> L = [1234,45,67,89].
2> file:write_file("foo", term_to_binary(L)).
3> {ok, B} = file:read_file("foo").
4> binary_to_term(B).

term_to_binary turns anything into a binary which you save in a file
binary_to_term is the inverse



On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 3:14 PM, Awsaf Rahman <awsafrahman1704@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello! I am new to Erlang and need some help!
> I generated a random list of 100,000 numbers and wrote them in a file. Now I
> want to use that list in the file as an input for different programs. What I
> am trying to do is benchmark some programs written in Erlang like Merge Sort
> and I want to use the same list in different variations of the program. If
> anyone can help me out it would be of big help!
> Thanks!
> Regards
> Awsaf Rahman
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