[erlang-questions] Terminology for Rate Limiting

Danil Zagoskin z@REDACTED
Fri May 26 12:50:23 CEST 2017


Some time ago I've implemented a rate limiter microservice for clustered
It's undocumented (no time for that), but maybe you will find it useful.

Rate limiter core: https://github.com/stolen/erater
HTTP API for it (just in case) https://github.com/stolen/erateserver

The limiting logic is located in erater_counter module.
Counter behavior is configured with two options: rps and burst. Burst is
how many requests are allowed just after start or after a long period of
Also there is ttl option which is used to terminate unneeded counter

Usage examples:
63> f(C), {ok, C} = erater_counter:start_link(none, none, [{mode, adhoc},
{rps, 0.3}, {burst, 3}, {ttl, 60000}]).
64> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
65> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
66> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
67> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
68> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
69> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
70> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).
71> erater_counter:acquire(C, 0).

The second argument of acquire is used to register future hit — if the
client wants to wait a little instead of retrying request later:
59> erater_counter:acquire(C, 5000).
60> erater_counter:acquire(C, 5000).
61> erater_counter:acquire(C, 5000).
62> erater_counter:acquire(C, 5000).

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Brezal Campio <brezal.campio@REDACTED>

> For a some function which is the following:
>   - begin with request count at 0
>   - check current request count
>   - if current current is less than allowed requests
>     - spin up a new process
>     - way for some given time and reset count to 0
> This is a naive approach to rate limiting, but is there common terminology
> for something like this?
> I am interested in less naive approaches to rate limiting requests as well
> if anyone is willing to point in the right direction.
> Ciao!
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Danil Zagoskin | z@REDACTED
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