[erlang-questions] Erlang/OTP interpreter (erl) not found butrequired

Nuku Ameyibor nayibor@REDACTED
Wed May 3 12:31:34 CEST 2017

@ Ranjan, 

. ~/kerl/17.1/activate
They are two separate commands not one command.
Run them one after the other .
After that run 
which erl 
That command will show you the path to your current activated erlang version . 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Abhishek Ranjan" <abhishek@REDACTED>
Sent: ‎5/‎3/‎2017 9:46 AM
To: "Jack Tang" <himars@REDACTED>; "Erlang-Questions Questions" <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Erlang/OTP interpreter (erl) not found butrequired

home/ec2-user is my home directory or should I say the default directory when I make the ssh connection to server.
so i ran : KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT=y . ~/kerl/17.1/activate
command when I was in this home directory.
I think I missed a trick here as I am not familiar with linux and how to set path in linux and that's why maybe when I go to home/ec2-user/download/ejabberd.17.03/
and run ./configure command it is giving me this error.
what I understand is the line which you are saying that I missed is the same line as
KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT=y . ~/kerl/17.1/activate
but may be I gave a wrong path or ran it from wrong place (home/ec2-user).
I followed: https://yrsdi.github.io/programming/setup-erlang-with-kerl-mac-osx/
Can you gauge where I am going wrong exactly

On May 3, 2017 at 3:06 PM Jack Tang <himars@REDACTED> wrote:

You might miss to run `$ . /path/to/install/dir/activate`. 

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Abhishek Ranjan <abhishek@REDACTED> wrote:

I was installing ejabberd 17.03 through source code when I found that I needed to intall Erlang 17.1 for it. I installed erlang /otp 17.1 using kerl inside the /home/ec2-user/kerl/17.1 directory.
I then used  ./autogen.sh command which ran without any output
       then:  ./configure which gave this error
configure: error: Erlang/OTP interpreter (erl) not found but required  
Can anyone help?

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Jack Tang


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