[erlang-questions] [ANN] Sonic Pi 3.0 released

Albin Stigö albin.stigo@REDACTED
Wed Jul 19 13:40:22 CEST 2017

Out of curiosity, what is Erlang used for in Sonic Pi?

Music programming in Erlang should be pretty great considering a lot
of it is message based... MIDI, OSC etc.


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
> Sonic Pi V3 now includes a complete Erlang distribution.
> Sonic Pi is a complete programmable music making machine,
> for teaching kids to program and for music experiments.
> The Erlang is well hidden away - but it's there
> together with a complete Ruby and Supercollider (also hidden)
> So far I've only tested this on my Mac - but I think Erlang
> is also included in the rasberry Pi, linux and windows distributions
> (or at least will be)
> This is actually an amazing bit of engineering - in a single desktop app
> Sonic Pi includes complete stripped down  versions of Ruby and Erlang
> and the Supercollider. All these are isolated components talking
> together through OSC over UDP.
> (See http://joearms.github.io/2016/01/28/A-Badass-Way-To-Connect-Programs-Together.html
> - for details of OSC)
> Sonic Pi is programmed in Ruby+Erlang+C++ + Supercollider language
> and uses QT for the interface.
> This is how systems should be built.
> Sam has done a fantastic job job here - as a side effect of this
> Erlang will be in the standard Rasberry Pi distro - whether it stays there
> is up to YOU - Sam has done the ground work - this actually opens the
> SonicPi infrastructure to Erlang and Elixir Programmers
> So what are you waiting for? -  Go write a drum machine in Erlang
> or an arpeggiator or a harmonizer - or write it in Elixir if that is
> your thing.
> Have fun
> /Joe
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