[erlang-questions] Do you know what your code is doing at night?

Manfred Lotz ml_news@REDACTED
Thu Jul 13 09:12:46 CEST 2017

Hi Fred,
I'm an Erlang beginner so I'm not the best qualified guy to make

Nevertheless, I took a look and I must say you are an extremely good
writer (ok, no surprise looking at your LYSE book). 

Hopefully, in August I will have more time to work thorougly thru your
article. Then I will give you some more feedback.

However, I have a general question: 

Are unit testing and property based testing to be seen as both
complementing each other, or is property based testing to be regarded
to fully replace unit testing as it should (?) cover a proper superset
of the tests in unit testing?

Thanks a lot.

Best, Manfred

On Mon, 10 Jul 2017 13:38:08 -0400
Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> If you've been curious about property-based testing for a while but 
> found it kind of intimidating or didn't really feel like digging in
> the source or asking bloggers or people who implement their own
> libraries to get going, I've got a thing you might like.
> I've been assembling my own notes on property-based testing over the 
> last few months, and have just made http://propertesting.com/ public, 
> even if it is not fully complete yet.
> Hopefully, if you're one of those people who want to figure out what
> the properties of their code is or you want to make sure they're
> actually enforced properly, this could be of help. Have a read and
> let me know what you think.
> Regards,
> Fred.
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