[erlang-questions] Simple SFTP Server

Anthony Esposito tony.m.esposito@REDACTED
Tue Nov 24 01:57:33 CET 2015

Ok nevermind, of course after I finally ask the question I figure it out.

I found some really specific instructions on how to setup the keys and it's
working on my system now. FYI you have to follow these instructions here:
http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/ssh/using_ssh.html#id60714 Before moving
onto anything else in the document.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 6:41 PM Anthony Esposito <tony.m.esposito@REDACTED>

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to setup a simple Erlang SFTP server based on the documentation
> example from here:
> http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/ssh/using_ssh.html#id59641
> I'm struggling with it as my ssh client will only report "no hostkey alg"
> no matter how I configure the server. I've setup some public keys in a
> /tmp/ssh folder and tried the following code:
> ssh:start().
> ssh:daemon(8989, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh"},
> {user_dir, "/tmp/ssh"},
> {subsystems, [ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([{cwd, "/tmp/ssh"}])
> ]}]).
> I've both placed the keys in a .ssh folder and in the primary folder. I've
> experimented with different permissions and filenames but I'm not sure what
> the actual issue is.
> I've also tried forcing an algorithm with my client.
> sftp -oPort=8989 -o IdentityFile=/tmp/ssh/host_key -o 'HostKeyAlgorithms
> ssh-rsa,ssh-dss' localhost
> I'm trying to do this in userspace.
> If anyone has already figured this out I'd appreciate some tips to get me
> past this.
> Thank you,
> Tony
> --
> ========================================
> Anthony Esposito
> github/twitter: tesp0
Anthony Esposito
github/twitter: tesp0
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