[erlang-questions] 3rd Workshop on Planetary Scale Distributed Systems (CFP extended)
Sean Cribbs
Sat Jun 27 03:30:01 CEST 2015
Third Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems, W-PSDS 2015
Second call for papers
* Call for Papers
Distributed systems have gained a more prominent role in the everyday life
of many people. Additionally, the scale of these systems has also been
increasing over the past decade, and systems that interconnect users at a
planetary scale are now common place. Users expect these systems to be
robust, highly available, safe, and efficient. This leads to the emergence
of significative challenges for the scientific community to find solutions
that provide all these characteristics. The goal of the workshop is to
bring researchers and practitioners from the large-scale distributed
systems communities to discuss the current state of the art, emerging
challenges and trends, as well as novel solutions, implementation and
deployment of large scale, and in particular of planetary-scale,
distributed systems and applications. The workshop is looking for
submissions in the form of papers with no more than 6 pages describing
novel contributions and results as well as experiments reports. Th!
e organization welcomes contributions from both academia and industry.
Industry submission (or submissions with co-authors from industry) should
be labelled as so for notifying reviewers. All submissions will be reviewed
by members of the workshop program committee, that will select the best
submissions for presentation at the workshop. Regular papers will appear at
the workshop proceedings published in conjunction with the proceedings of
This workshop has the scientific sponsorship of the SyncFree European
research project (funded through the European Union under the grant
agreement 609551). More information in https://syncfree.lip6.fr.
* Areas of Interest
* Novel storage organizations for large scale systems (e.g., NoSQL
databases, in-memory databases, geo-replicated systems)
* Consistency, reliability, and fault models for large scale distributed
* Data recovery: online and disaster recovery
* System assumptions for dependability and performance
* Scaling-out and elasticity with large number of nodes
* Fully decentralized versus central control architectures
* Robust and efficient protocols for unstructured overlay networks
(epidemic-based dissemination, aggregation, slicing)
* Peer-to-Peer systems, protocols, and applications
* Large-scale infrastructure technologies (locking, group membership
* Cloud computing
* Grid Computing
* Smart Grids
* Security and privacy for planetary-scale distributed systems
* Submission Guidelines
Papers must be written in English. The workshop is looking for submissions
in the form of papers with no more than 6 pages describing novel
contributions and results as well as experiments reports, strictly
following the IEEE two-column format. All submissions will be reviewed by
members of the workshop program committee, that will select the best
submissions for presentation at the workshop. Papers will appear at the
workshop proceedings published in conjunction with the proceedings of SRDS.
All paper submissions will be handled via Easychair (
* Important Dates
Paper submission: ** July 3, 2015 (extended) **
Authors notification: July 16, 2015
Camera-ready: July 26, 2015
Workshop: September 28, 2015
* Program Committee
João Leitão, NOVA University of Lisbon (Co-Chair)
Ricardo Vilaça, Minho University (Co-Chair)
Paulo Jesus, Oracle
Jason Brown, Apache Cassandra Committer
Jordan West, NOVA LINCS
Nuno Preguiça, NOVA University of Lisbon
Carlos Baquero, University of Minho
Alysson Bessani, University of Lisbon
Fernando Pedone, University of Lugano
Marek Zawirski, Google
Bernard Wong, University of Waterloo
Laura Ricci, University of Pisa
Christopher Meiklejohn, Basho Technologies
Marc Shapiro, LIP6
Etienne Reviére, University of Neuchâtel
Sean Cribbs, Comcast
Miguel Matos, INESC TEC
Ricardo Dias, INESC-ID
* Venue
The Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems will take place on
28, 2015, in Montreal, Canada, and is co-located with the SRDS 2015
conference. The goal of the workshop is to bring researchers and
practitioners from the large-scale distributed systems communities to
discuss the current state of the art, emerging challenges and trends, as
well as novel solutions, implementation and deployment of large scale, and
in particular of planetary-scale, distributed systems and applications. The
Call for Papers for W-PSDS 2015 is available, please consider submitting
your work.
For further information please send an email to wpsds@REDACTED
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