[erlang-questions] leex and case-insensitive match
Jesper Louis Andersen
Thu Jun 4 20:15:26 CEST 2015
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Knut Nesheim <knutin@REDACTED> wrote:
> For my use case "select", "SELECT", "SeLeCt" means exactly the
> same.
I'm not sure I understand this:
[jlouis@REDACTED ~]$ cat z.xrl
%% Test
[sS][eE][lL][eE][cC][tT] : {token, select}.
Erlang code.
%% Nothing
in an erl shell:
4> leex:file("z").
6> c("z.erl").
9> [z:string(Str) || Str <- ["select", "SELECT", "SeLeCt"]].
Note how the token parses as the same thing.
[sS][eE][lL][eE][cC][tT] : {token, {identifier,
should also work, if select is not a keyword, but you want to handle it as
an identifier.
some Regex engines provides convenience notation for [sS], [eE] etc, but it
tends to be rare enough for keywords that you skip it. Another path through
the game is the following age-old lexer hack:
[jlouis@REDACTED ~]$ cat y.xrl
%% Test
ALPHA = [a-zA-Z]
{ALPHA}* : {token, analyze_alpha(string:to_lower(TokenChars))}.
Erlang code.
%% Match keywords, and if no keyword matches, regard the token as an
analyze_alpha("select") -> select;
analyze_alpha(Otherwise) -> {identifier, Otherwise}.
13> leex:file("y").
14> c("y.erl").
15> [y:string(Str) || Str <- ["select", "SELECT", "SeLeCt"]].
Do any of these work for you?
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