[erlang-questions] CORS Supporting Erlang HTTP Server

Kannan vasdeveloper@REDACTED
Wed Jul 15 21:25:28 CEST 2015

Thanks for all the responses team. Just to put my requirements clear -

* File upload/download
* CORS - Better if this support can be configured.
* Websockets
* Dynamic web application
* Performance
* Embedding

Which is the best? Cowboy/Yaws/Mochiweb

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:21 AM, Loïc Hoguin <essen@REDACTED> wrote:

> They have different goals and states.
> Cowboy is young and still sees fairly large changes (in part to accomodate
> to newer protocols like HTTP/2 or Websocket compression, and in part
> because there are still usability issues). However from version 2 onward
> changes should be minimal for a while.
> Cowboy aims to support the core protocols for Web development, and nothing
> more. This means HTTP 1 and 2, SPDY, Websocket, and so on. It also includes
> a REST machine (adapted from Webmachine). The main focus is on REST and
> Websocket first.
> It does not include anything related to formats like JSON or HTML,
> enterprise protocols like RPC/SOAP/.. or anything related to XML, or Flash
> and so on.
> There's a constant effort on keeping things small and tidy, and providing
> functionality that covers 99% of users. The changes are user driven, with
> unused features happily removed while new features get added after
> detecting patterns in the many user questions I receive (but only if they
> are in the scope, of course).
> Hope that helps.
> On 07/15/2015 08:04 PM, Kannan wrote:
>> Which one is the best? Yaws or Cowboy? I could not find any comparison
>> matrix on the internet.
>> Thanks,
>> Theepan
>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Dmitry Belyaev <be.dmitry@REDACTED
>> <mailto:be.dmitry@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>     Not out of the box. There is
>>     https://github.com/danielwhite/cowboy_cors to do it.
>>     --
>>     Best wishes,
>>     Dmitry Belyaev
>>     On 15 July 2015 7:25:40 AM AEST, Radoslaw Gruchalski
>>     <radek@REDACTED <mailto:radek@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>         CORS is all based on headers. Cowboy can definitely do it.
>>         Sent from Outlook <http://taps.io/outlookmobile>
>>         On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:58 PM -0700, "Kannan"
>>         <vasdeveloper@REDACTED <mailto:vasdeveloper@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>             Hi Team,
>>             Is there a Erlang HTTP server, including Yaws, that supports
>>             CORS by configuration?
>>             Regards,
>>             Theepan
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> --
> Loïc Hoguin
> http://ninenines.eu
> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
> A book about software development using Erlang
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