[erlang-questions] Didn't get it to work. The erlcount app from <Learn you some erlang for great good> chapter 20 the count of application
Sat Dec 19 07:57:44 CET 2015
Thank you! I made a mistake in Emakefile - outdir is written as "ourdir". So the beam are exported to the root directory for that module when I do "erl -make".
At 2015-12-19 14:41:41, "Kenneth Lakin" <kennethlakin@REDACTED> wrote:
>On 12/18/2015 08:27 PM, Hao wrote:
>> Hi
>> I tried the erlcount example. when I downloaded the source code from
>> website http://learnyousomeerlang.com/
>> Then when I run, I had a bad_return, any idea why?
>> -----------
>> [jusfeel@REDACTED learn-you-some-erlang]$ erl -env ERL_LIBS "."
>It looks like erlang doesn't know where to find the .beam files for the
>ppool application. You can tell Erlang to search additional directories
>for .beam files with the -pa command line option.
>Try this:
>$ cd learn-you-some-erlang/ppool-1.0
>$ erlang -pa ebin/
>Then do
>in the Erlang shell.
>If that gives the same error, do
>then try application:start(ppool). again.
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