[erlang-questions] EEP process

zxq9 zxq9@REDACTED
Sat May 17 16:03:54 CEST 2014

On Saturday 17 May 2014 11:52:24 Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
> Hi,
> I went looking through the list of EEPs today and found out that there are
> several that I didn't know about, there have been no discussions about
> them. Some are old, but there is no resolution about them. Some have been
> implemented, but are not listed as such.
> Is there an official "EEP review board"? How often are EEPs reviewed?
> Should there be an automated (tri-monthly?) message to the eep mailing list
> listing the status of all current EEPs and drafts? This can work as a
> gentle reminder to EEP champions to try to get community comments about
> their drafts so that they can be accepted or rejected.
> Should there be a new status for an EEP with the meaning "this is all well,
> we like/want it, but we need a reference implementation"? Maybe someone
> else than the champion feels like stepping in and provide a reference
> implementation.

This can be done in an issue-tracking system, of course, but that can have its 
own unexpected consequences within an open community. Because the EEP process 
is a bit mysterious to newcomers they don't litter the zone of discourse with 
frivolous suggestions. OTOH, because the process is a bit opaque EEPs get lost 
in the ether and progress is slow unless some issue of major concern (or an 
issue from a major concern) catches a bunch of eyes at once.

I don't think there is even an easily sortable list of EEPs by 
status/date/etc... ?

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