[erlang-questions] Recommendations on optional callbacks

Steve Davis steven.charles.davis@REDACTED
Tue Jul 22 02:11:05 CEST 2014

I still prefer behaviors... 

src/my_evt.erl:5: Warning: undefined callback function handle_info/2 
(behaviour 'gen_event')

...sometimes "newer" isn't necessarily "better".


On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:08:06 PM UTC-5, Jay Nelson wrote:
> We have created a behaviour with -callbacks, but would like to simplify 
> the implementation by providing default implementations of some of the 
> callbacks. Using erlang:function_exported/3 to test for a user-supplied 
> callback and instead calling a default implementation may work, but the 
> compiler will complain for the user-defined module if no callback is 
> supplied. What is the recommended best practice for this situation? 
> The best I can come up with is to document the default implementation 
> and leave it up to the user-defined module to call that function or 
> provide its own so that the callback is always present. 
> jay 
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