[erlang-questions] block comments

Attila Rajmund Nohl attila.r.nohl@REDACTED
Fri Jul 18 11:45:31 CEST 2014

2014-07-18 2:11 GMT+02:00  <lloyd@REDACTED>:
> Hello,
> Since it hasn't been done I'd guess a compiler constraint.
> But why doesn't Erlang have a method for commenting out a block of lines in
> a module without
> having to tag every line with %?
> Or did I miss that page?
> It would be so convenient  at times.

These are my vim macros:

"To comment/uncomment
vmap <buffer> <Leader>c :s/^/%/<CR>:nohl<CR>
vmap <buffer> <Leader>u :s/^%//<CR>:nohl<CR>

Select the lines, then press \c to comment the lines, \u to uncomment.

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