[erlang-questions] Emacs 'erlang-mode-hook
Daniel Pezely
Mon Jul 14 20:19:23 CEST 2014
I might be doing this the hard-way, but it works well enough to share and ask for feedback:
having Emacs erlang-shell play nice with multiple components built by rebar (invoked from Makefiles).
First, the elisp code followed by more explanation.
;; Add paths to ../../*/deps/ebin for running & compiling:
(add-hook 'erlang-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq inferior-erlang-machine-options
(append (remove nil
(mapcan (lambda (app-path)
(let ((ebin (concat app-path "/ebin")))
(when (file-readable-p ebin)
(list "-pa" ebin))))
(directory-files "../.." t "[^.]$")))
(remove nil
(mapcan (lambda (dep)
(let ((dep-path (concat dep "/deps")))
(when (file-readable-p dep-path)
(mapcan (lambda (dir)
(list "-pa" (concat dir "/ebin")))
(directory-files dep-path t "[^.]$")))))
(directory-files "../.." t "[^.]$"))))
(append (remove nil
(mapcan (lambda (app-path)
(let ((ebin (concat app-path "/ebin")))
(when (file-readable-p ebin)
(list "-pa" ebin))))
(directory-files "../.." t "[^.]$")))
(remove nil
(mapcan (lambda (dep)
(let ((dep-path (concat dep "/deps")))
(when (file-readable-p dep-path)
(mapcar (lambda (dir)
(cons 'i (concat dir "/ebin")))
(directory-files dep-path t "[^.]$")))))
(directory-files "../.." t "[^.]$")))))))
We have a source tree on disk that roughly looks like the following with names changed to protect the innocent, etc.
app1/ebin app1/deps app1/src app2/ebin app2/deps app2/src
Our top-level application relies upon Cowboy & friends, and the division between app1 versus app2 is largely to isolate HTTP-related logic for a future alternate Erlang-specific entry point.
This division introduces problems for *erlang-shell* within Emacs because default values for erlang-mode.el are such that it can't find dependencies across ../app* boundaries without telling the inferior-shell about paths.
The 'erlang-mode-hook above relies upon rebar related directory tree and should work for an arbitrary number of sibling apps. (Of course, it will require restarting *erlang-shell* if any new dependencies are added.)
The beauty of this is that you can compile everything via `make` and then do incremental file compilation from within Emacs and run within *erlang-shell*. The generated .beam files from an Emacs-initiated compilation also appear within ../ebin subdirectories rather than the src directory.
There may be subtle interaction issues depending upon which app's source is compiled and possibly depositing the .beam file into the wrong ../ebin, but an occasional 'make clean' is useful during development anyway, I suppose. From my early C days, I tend to `make clean` at least once daily.
Why I believe that there may be a cleaner or more concise way is that this is likely to be a common Erlang idiom if not also shared by other languages for which there are Emacs functions like inferior-erlang-compile. Anyone have suggestions about this?
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