[erlang-questions] ANN: Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP by O'Reilly
Felix Gallo
Wed Jul 9 01:58:35 CEST 2014
On the topic of Francesco and Steve's book, as someone who bought the early
access version some time ago, it was at the time quite solid and
informative; I can only imagine it got even better from there; and I look
forward to catching up on it tonight. Although O'Reilly's sins are many
and egregious, supporting quality authors and helping to promote the
general availability of strong and accessible Erlang documentation is in
this case entirely worth the price.
Of course, the true Erlang communitarian Nordic-style socialist bookshelf
would also include the work of the tireless Mr. Hebert (
http://www.nostarch.com/erlang), the selfless Joe Armstrong (
http://pragprog.com/book/jaerlang2/programming-erlang), and the triple
threat of Logan, Merritt and Carlsson (http://www.manning.com/logan/). Why
not buy five copies of each for your friends and neighbors? Christmas is
just around the corner. And what if one of your copies crashed without
trapping exit?
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Mark Nijhof <mark.nijhof@REDACTED>
> I should have said "technical" writers :) but I see your point. But just
> looking at the time spend and what one could earn by doing that work vs
> writing about the work then it usually is a clear case what activity wins.
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 11:46 PM, Miles Fidelman <
> mfidelman@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Mark Nijhof wrote:
>>> It is not funny anymore how many people think that someone writes a book
>>> for money. Even when self publishing there is not a lot of money to be
>>> made, I use LeanPub and am very happy with the platform/service they offer.
>>> And the royalties are good as well, but I need to pay for the cover design,
>>> the website (if you want something else then the default) and for editors
>>> to help me improve my content. So far it has cost me money.
>> That does require a comment. A lot of people DO write for money, though
>> not necessarily looking for all that money to come from book sales.
>> Academics "publish or perish." Consultants as a marketing vehicle. And
>> yes, there are people who actually make a living from writing books.
>> But yes, there are also non-monetary reasons for writing a book -
>> consolidating learning, as an excuse to do some personal research, putting
>> experience or thoughts on paper, promoting a position, and so forth. Even
>> then, few have the luxury to do that without some means of support - we all
>> have to eat. If one is retired, has a job that includes writing as a part
>> of it (can you say academia?), an understanding employer (or an employer
>> who benefits from your writing), that's great. Otherwise, a grant, a
>> fellowship, or some form of income is required.
>> Writing is a huge amount of work, and it is a shame writers don't see
>>> more of the results.
>> Absolutely. Writing is real work. One of the reasons my next book will
>> be self-published.
>> Cheers,
>> Miles Fidelman
>> --
>> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
>> In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra
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> Mark Nijhof
> t: @MarkNijhof <https://twitter.com/MarkNijhof>
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