How to connect erlang nodes over IPv6 (on Ubuntu 10.04 server installations, Erlang R14B1)?

Boris Mühmer boris.muehmer@REDACTED
Sat Feb 5 09:01:21 CET 2011

I try to connect Erlang nodes using only IPv6. But somehow it doesn't
work. The systems in questions are Ubuntu 10.04 based server setups.

The DNS names of the participating hosts resolv only to IPv6
addresses. "ping6" and "traceroute6" work without any problems.

After running "erl -name node-X", I try to "net_adm:ping/1" the other
host, but I only get "pang"s.

I also tried to add "-proto_dist inet6_tcp" (found this information
with google) to the erl command line, but it doesn't improve the

Does anyone have any hints how to start an IPv6 based Erlang "cluster", please?

  - boris

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