[erlang-questions] Re: Mochiweb and SSL

Alessandro Sivieri alessandro.sivieri@REDACTED
Wed Nov 10 17:18:18 CET 2010

Oh, I have solved the problem (and forgot to write about it): I think the
problem was that I was using R13; on R14, it just works with the following
configuration structure:

WebConfigSSL = [
                 {ip, Ip},
                 {port, 8443},
                 {docroot, crest_deps:local_path(["priv", "www"])},
                 {ssl, true},
                 {ssl_opts, [
                    {certfile, crest_deps:local_path(["ca", "certs",
                    {keyfile, crest_deps:local_path(["ca", "private",
                    {verify, verify_peer},
                    {cacertfile, crest_deps:local_path(["ca",
                    {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true},
                    {verify_fun, fun(_) -> false end}

of course, the three local paths point to the directory with certificates
and keys, and that's all it needed; now the _web module answers correctly to
SSL requests (with mutual authentication, because of the

Sivieri Alessandro

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