[erlang-questions] Is erlang a web language?

Toby Thain toby@REDACTED
Sat Feb 14 19:55:44 CET 2009

On 12-Feb-09, at 2:21 PM, Valentin Micic wrote:

>> Valentin's post has inflamed me.
> I can see that. Not sure why, but so be it.

Because there are some serious problems created by constant  
reinvention of the wheel.

1) enormous wasted effort (good libraries are expensive to write!)
2) typically worse result (not every programmer is a genius)
3) much higher maintenance cost due to inflated codebase and  
ignorance of established standards (i.e. methods and tools that other  
people might already have skills in).
4) others, no doubt.

But the only argument in your favour is, "I think I can do a better  
job than anyone else". Perhaps that's true of you, but it's not true  
of 99.9% of programmers. - And nor does that 99.9% have the time and  
energy to expend rewriting existing libraries. Without clear  
justification, I'd consider it a serious misdemeanor in a workplace.


> V.
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