[erlang-questions] A simple gen_server to rebuild dtl templates [Was: What's the recommended template engine for web development with erlang?]
Liu Yubao
Wed Feb 4 02:45:52 CET 2009
Christian wrote:
>> * erldtl
>> Pros: The template notation seems good(I hate <newtag> and <%...%> :-)
>> templates are compiled to erlang modules;
>> Cons: not completed yet.
> What is a show-stopper for you about erlydtl? What is not complete
> enough for you?
> The features I use, they work well.
> I'm about to get annoyed enough with rebuilding all template modules
> each time i run make that i am ready to add something that only builds
> the templates that have changed or use dependencies that have changed.
> But other than that, it works fine.
I wrote a little gen_server to rebuild template files, maybe you'll be
interested in it, below is the usage:
out(Arg) ->
M = dtl_server:lookup("path/to/hello.dtl"),
{ok, L} = M:render(),
{html, L}.
Accessing http://your-host/path/to/dtlmake.yaws to rebuild template files
that are changed (or their dependencies change) *and* lookuped at least
one time. The dtl:lookup/1 will compile the template for the first time.
To use this little server, a patch to erlydtl may be required, see attachments
for all related files, there is a simple explanation in the patch.
Best regards,
Liu Yubao
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