[erlang-questions] badsig on sending message to the cat process
Jachym Holecek
Mon Feb 2 15:25:04 CET 2009
# Joel Fernandes 2009-02-02:
> "** exited: badsig **" when I try to send it some input.
This means (see erlang:port_command/2):
"If Port is open and the calling process is not the port owner,
the port owner fails with badsig. The port owner fails with
badsig also if Data is not a valid IO list."
> The following is the program:
> --module(cat).
> -export([start/0]).
> start() ->
> Port = open_port({spawn, "cat"}, [stream]),
> spawn(fun() -> loop(Port) end).
The port owner is the process that called this function (shell),
but you're sending commands from a freshly spawned process. This
seems to be badsig #1.
> loop(Port) ->
> receive
> {call, Msg} ->
> Port ! { self(), { command, Msg } },
> receive
> {Port, {data, Data}} ->
> io:format("received ~p~n", [Data]),
> loop(Port)
> end;
> {'EXIT', Port, Reason} ->
> exit(Reason)
> end.
> and the shell session..
> 2> P = cat:start().
> <0.34.0>
> 3> P ! {call, {data, "hello"}}.
This term isn't iodata(), yet it ends up being the `Msg' in
`{command, Msg}'. This seems to be badsig #2.
-- Jachym
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