[erlang-questions] troubleshooting systools:make_tar

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Wed Aug 19 14:28:53 CEST 2009

On Aug 19, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Robert Raschke wrote:

> But saying that, what does your start_janus.rel file actually look  
> like? Are
> you using the recommended directory structures, i.e., module dirs  
> with ebin,
> src, etc. subdirs?

cat ebin/start_janus.rel
{release, {"Janus","0.0.5"}, {erts, "5.7.2"},
   {sasl, "2.1.6"},
   {inets, "5.1"},
   {erlsom, "1.2.1"},

I have ebin but I also have a couple of "apps" that live in their  
separate directories and are not proper OTP applications. I compile  
them such that beams go into my ebin but their source is not found  
during the making of the boot file. I thought I could disregard the  
warnings as they don't seem to affect anything.

faster mac firefox

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