[erlang-questions] eunit and test timeouts

Cliff Moon cliff@REDACTED
Wed Oct 22 00:51:03 CEST 2008

You can return a structure describing a test from an underscore test 
method.  Like so:

my_built_test_() ->
 {timeout, 1200, [{?LINE, fun() -> test_something() end}]}.

Joel Reymont wrote:
> I'm using eunit from the erlang prompt by invoking a module's test  
> function. My issue is that tests run fine when invoked one by one but  
> some randomly timeout when ran as a batch.
> Is there a way to increase the default timeout used by eunit when  
> concurrently running all tests in a module (mod:test())?
> 	Thanks, Joel
> --
> wagerlabs.com
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