[erlang-questions] ODBC problem if query returns multiple tables

Surindar Sivanesan surindar.shanthi@REDACTED
Wed Mar 14 05:44:56 CET 2007

Thanks for the reply.
I'm still facing the same problem even though I make the scrollable cursor
option off.

On 3/14/07, Scott Lystig Fritchie <fritchie@REDACTED> wrote:
> >>>>> "ss" == Surindar Sivanesan <surindar.shanthi@REDACTED> writes:
> ss> I'm having a Store Procedure (SP) which returns 8 tables (MS Sql).
> ss> When I use that same SP in odbc:sql_query/2, it returns
> ss> {error,"Column type not supported"}.
> It has been a while since I've used the Erlang ODBC driver, but I have
> a faint memory that the "Column type not supported" can appear because
> of attempts to use scrollable cursors.  Do you still see the error if
> you use this?
> {ok, DB} = odbc:connect(DSN_string, [{scrollable_cursors, off}]).
> -Scott
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with regards,
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