maximum number of simultaneous SSL connections ???

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Tue Oct 4 08:43:00 CEST 2005

3 okt 2005 kl. 15.47 skrev Bjorn Gustavsson:

> It can be changed by redefining FD_SETSIZE when compiling C part of
> the ssl application. We, however, will try to rewrite the code so that
> it can use poll() on platforms that support it.

I think we should start thinking of integrating ssl with inet_drv ?  
Then ssl will be better supported and
a bit more efficient. When it comes to number of connection it will  
be a better match with that of
number of gen_tcp sockets. Further more it is a lot easier to  
implement stuff such as Upgrade/Start TLS.

Just a thought.


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