New trading systems platform

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Fri Jul 8 21:16:03 CEST 2005

QuantStudio/QuantDeveloper is a .NET trading systems toolkit that I  
sold for a year. It takes its roots in R. It's quite unmanageable for  
a regular programmer wanabee and even for a seasoned developer.

I would like to avoid the mistakes of QS/QD and make the interface as  
user-friendly as possible. Maybe even use a custom language to code  
systems and totally hide Erlang.


On Jul 8, 2005, at 4:41 PM, HP Wei wrote:

>    The TTree class in ROOT (C++) package (from CERN) might
>    give an example as to how to organize (write with compression
>    and read with decompression) large data set.


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