Mnesia bug?
Erlang Questions
Mon Jan 19 15:23:38 CET 2004
Hi, I have a mnesia table(disc_only_copy) with 10 millions records and 100 fragments, in some cases the test1 query throw next exception:
This is a bug or mnesia disc file has been corrupted?
=ERROR REPORT==== 19-Jan-2004::10:28:00 ===
** dets: Bug was found when accessing table card_frag60,
** dets: operation was {match,<<>>,
default} and reply was 'EXIT'.
test1(CardKey) ->
FilterList = [],
Fun = fun() ->
Table= #card{cardkey=CardKey, expirationdate='$5' ,_ = '_'},
mnesia:select(card, [{Table, FilterList, [{{'$5'}}]}])
Result = mnesia:activity(transaction, Fun, [], mnesia_frag),
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