SNMP: error report

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Wed Sep 17 15:18:00 CEST 2003

There's a little bug in the snmp-3.4 release:

when compiled with -define(snmp_debug, ok) snmp_mib.erl doesn't compile 
due to the following errors:

code_change({down, _Vsn}, State, downgrade_to_pre_3_4) ->
     ?debug("code_change(down) -> entry with~n"
        "  Vsn:   ~p~n"
        "  Extra: ~p",
-       [Vsn,downgrade_to_pre_3_4]),
+       [_Vsn,downgrade_to_pre_3_4]),
     NData = snmp_mib_data:code_change({down,pre_3_4},,
     put(te_override, State#state.teo),
     {ok, {state, NData}};

%% upgrade
code_change(_Vsn, State, upgrade_from_pre_3_4) ->
     ?debug("code_change(up) -> entry with~n"
        "  Vsn:   ~p~n"
        "  Extra: ~p",
-       [Vsn,upgrade_from_pre_3_4]),
+       [_Vsn,upgrade_from_pre_3_4]),

Also, the sample community.conf file generated by the configuration 
utility has the following example setting commented:

%% {1, "public", "initial", "", ""}.
%% {2, "secret", "secret_name", "", "tag"}.
%% {3, "bridge1", "initial", "bridge1", ""}.

This should be changed to:
%% {"1", "public", "initial", "", ""}.
%% {"2", "secret", "secret_name", "", "tag"}.
%% {"3", "bridge1", "initial", "bridge1", ""}.

as the first parameter is expected to be a string.



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