Latest Erlang on Mac OS X Panther

Micael Karlberg micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Fri Oct 31 15:33:01 CET 2003

A google indicate that it's defined in zlib (zlib/zutil.h).


Eric Newhuis writes:
 > Just to keep this thread alive I will say that no, this doesn't seem to 
 > be the only problem.  I've not had time to investigate further mostly 
 > due to my indulgence in attempting to get distel working on my Panther 
 > Mac on R9B-0.
 > I do remember that there were some problems copying files during the 
 > make.  And I do remember seeing another target complain about undefined 
 > z_errmsg.  Perhaps if I knew what z_errmsg is I could take the next 
 > step.  I suppose I shall have to look at the erts source.
 > I have no problem using the pre-built R9B-0 Mac OS/X release on 
 > Panther.   I've been using it for a week now without any problems.  
 > However I have not tried anything that invokes the GUI.
 > > Is that linking problem only for the Shared Heap emulator?
 > >
 > > In that case, a simply workaround would be to comment out
 > > the building of the Shared Heap emulator from the Makefile,
 > > as it is not critical for building the rest of OTP.

Micael Karlberg          Ericsson AB, Älvsjö Sweden
Tel:  +46 8 727 5668     EAB/UHK/KD - OTP Product Development
ECN:  851 5668           Mail: micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Fax:  +46 8 727 5775    

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