Latest Erlang on Mac OS X Panther

Eric Newhuis enewhuis@REDACTED
Fri Oct 31 15:10:07 CET 2003

Just to keep this thread alive I will say that no, this doesn't seem to 
be the only problem.  I've not had time to investigate further mostly 
due to my indulgence in attempting to get distel working on my Panther 
Mac on R9B-0.

I do remember that there were some problems copying files during the 
make.  And I do remember seeing another target complain about undefined 
z_errmsg.  Perhaps if I knew what z_errmsg is I could take the next 
step.  I suppose I shall have to look at the erts source.

I have no problem using the pre-built R9B-0 Mac OS/X release on 
Panther.   I've been using it for a week now without any problems.  
However I have not tried anything that invokes the GUI.

> Is that linking problem only for the Shared Heap emulator?
> In that case, a simply workaround would be to comment out
> the building of the Shared Heap emulator from the Makefile,
> as it is not critical for building the rest of OTP.

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