
Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi Chandrashekhar.Mullaparthi@REDACTED
Mon Jul 28 13:34:35 CEST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Lindgren [mailto:thomasl_erlang@REDACTED]
> --- Per Bergqvist <per@REDACTED> wrote:
> > Still don't see why one would like to use a
> > -behaviour if there 
> > is no underlying support for it. It will basically
> > be a no-op except
> > for the warning. Am I missing something ?

> * Should we keep around the fact that a module has a
> behaviour, so that we can check this at runtime?
> (e.g., gen_server can check that the callback module
> has -behaviour(gen_server)). module_info/1 can keep
> track of this easily.
> (Strictly speaking, this is *not* the same thing as
> the module exporting the functions required by
> gen_server :-)
> * Should behaviours also *require* some functions (ie,
> yield an error rather than a warning if f/n is not
> exported)?

I dont think requiring some functions is a good idea. gen_server for
instance provides three different ways for a server to interact with the
outside world. If I choose to use only gen_server:call in my server, I dont
want to provide dummy functions and clutter the code. The same could be said
of user defined behaviours.

Taking the example of Java interfaces, the Java compiler enforces
implementation of all functions in an interface which leads to lot of
bloatware when writing new classes.


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