Need for new compiler directives to supress warnings

Per Bergqvist per@REDACTED
Sat Jul 26 07:56:22 CEST 2003


I think support of some directive to supress specific warnings 
should be added to the compiler/lint in future versions.

The two most obvious things I would like to see is:
1) supression of warning definition of bif.
   this warning is, i guess, the result of the uncertainty of scope
rules in the dark ages.
   i would like to be able to:

2) supression of warning on use of obsolete functions.
   In some case use of obsolete is absolutely necessary
   like the use of hash for backward compatibility reasons.
   could be something like:

-use_obsolete(erlang, [hash/2]).

Comments ?


Per Bergqvist
Synapse Systems AB
Phone: +46 709 686 685
Email: per@REDACTED

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